A study of English Death Euphemisms from the Perspective of Conceptual Metaphor and Conceptual Metonymy毕业论文

 2021-04-02 11:04

摘 要




1. Introduction 1

2. Demonstration 3

2.1 Theoretical Foundation 3

2.1.1 Euphemism 3

2.1.2 Conceptual Metonymy 5

2.1.3 Conceptual Metaphor 6

2.2 A Metonymic Approach to English Death Euphemism 8

2.2.1 Metonymic Analysis in Death Euphemism 8

2.2.2 Classification 8

2.3 A Metaphorical Approach to English Death Euphemism 10

2.3.1 Metaphor Analysis in Death Euphemism 10

2.3.2 Classification 10

3. Conclusion 14

Works Sited..................................................................................................................16

Bibliography 17

A Study of English Death Euphemisms from the Perspective of Conceptual Metaphor and Metonymy

1. Introduction

A euphemism is one of the most important ways to take the place of some words or expressions that may be found offensive or unpleasant. It also refers to taboo topics like death, diseases, sex, wars, crimes, ages and the like in a polite way. In the past, the researches of euphemism were mostly studied from the aspects of rhetoric devices, lexicography, semantics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics and pragmatics and so on. In the course of the recent years, with the development of cognitive linguistics, some scholars study the euphemism in the perspective of cognition. But, researches on euphemism from the cognitive point of view are not systematic and complete compared with its wide application.

Death is not only an irresistible physiological phenomenon but also an inevitable social phenomenon which people can’t avoid talking about it in the daily life. Literally, death indicates a human being or an animal loses the sign of life and is at the end of his destiny. Being faced with death, people will feel scared and painful. Some of the families and friends of the deceased are unwilling to accept the sorrowful truth. Therefore, death euphemisms, the mild and indirect expressions, emerge to replace some direct and unpleasant expressions and then relieve the grief to some extent.

In English culture, there are a variety of death euphemisms used in daily communication which are attracted much attention and concern in linguistic research. The previous studies of euphemisms are mostly from the aspects of rhetoric devices, lexicography, semantics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics and pragmatics and so on. With the development of cognitive linguistics, the researchers divert their attention to the cognitive perspective of death euphemisms. This paper is to analyze the death euphemisms from the perspective of metaphor and metonymy in the cognitive linguistics on the basis of the previous study.

The paper will make a detailed analysis of English death euphemisms from the perspective of two main cognitive theories mentioned above through analyzing the working mechanism and providing some categorization of English death euphemisms. Moreover, conceptual metonymy theory and conceptual metaphor theory are also introduced in this paper as the theoretical foundation.

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