A Comparative Study of Individualistic Heroism between The毕业论文

 2021-04-02 11:04

摘 要




  1. Introduction............................................................................................................... 1

2. Demonstration............................................................................................................2

2.1 Individualistic Heroism in American Movies..........................................................3

2.1.1 The Concept of Individualistic Heroism...............................................................3

2.1.2 The Origin of Individualistic Heroism..................................................................3

2.1.3 Individualistic Heroism in American movie culture.............................................4

2.1.4 The Reflection of Individualistic Heroism in American movie culture................5

2.2 Comparison of Individualistic Heroism in Character Shaping................................5

2.2.1 From Status of Characters.....................................................................................6

2.2.2 From Behavior and Language of Characters.........................................................7

2.2.3 From Personalities of Characters..........................................................................8

2.3 Comparison of Individualistic Heroism in Expression............................................9

2.3.1 Interlude in the movie...........................................................................................9

2.3.2 Special Effects in the movie................................................................................10

3. Conclusion................................................................................................................11

Works Cited.........................................................................................12


A Comparative Study of Individualistic Heroism between The

Shawshank Redemption and Iron Man

  1. Introduction

Individualistic heroism can be said to be the core value of American culture which is mostly used by Americans in the Hollywood movie kingdom. And through a series of cultural communication and other means, it has entered the public's vision and forced people to pay attention to this emerging value. In some Hollywood movies, individualistic heroism in American culture is well-interpreted such as the Iron Man ,the Spider Man and the Superman. Creating different kinds of heroes is an important secret to the long-lasting Hollywood movie in the United States. It is also a source of various cultural values in Hollywood. These unreal heroes created on the screen are also highly sought after by the American public and even the world’s audiences for their distinct personalities, noble sentiments, uncommon skills and extraordinary merit. While people around the world are paying attention to the heroic qualities of Hollywood science fiction heroes, some small-person movies headed by the Shawshank Redemption adapted from real-life stories also convey individualistic heroism in American movie culture.

The Shawshank Redemption, a remake of the novel of the same name by American writer Stephen Edwin King, takes "hope" as its theme through the special background of forced deprivation of liberty and high emphasis on discipline to show the individual's fear of "time lapse, environmental transformation". The Shawshank Redemption is not only a successful jailbreak movie, in addition to the successful acting of the actor, and it also reflect another type of individualistic heroism contained in the protagonist Andy among diverse American Individualistic Heroism movies.

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