Beast Human An Analysis of the Monster’s Character Transfmation in Frankenstein毕业论文

 2021-04-07 11:04

摘 要


关键词:弗兰肯斯坦; 怪物; 性格转变


  1. Introduction.............................................................................................................. 1
  2. Demonstration...........................................................................................................2

2.1 Process of the transformation of the monster’s character........................................2

2.1.1 Kind and lonely when newly born........................................................................3

2.1.2 Hostile and helpless after being rejected by his neighbors...................................3

2.1.3 Desperate and sad after his half-finished woman destroyed.................................4

2.1.4 Regretful after Frankenstein’s death at the north pole..........................................5

2.2 Factors leading to the transformation of the monster’s character............................5

2.2.1 The monster’s looking for self-identity.................................................................6

2.2.2 Frankenstein’s irresponsibility...............................................................................6

2.2.3 Humans’ rejection and disgust..............................................................................7

2.3 Reasons for humans’ attitudes towards the monster.................................................7

2.3.1 Afraid of unnatural product...................................................................................8

2.3.2 Writing intention of the author..............................................................................9

  1. Conclusion.................................................................................................................10

Works Cited................................................................................................................11


Beast or Human: An Analysis of the Monster’s Character Transformation in Frankenstein

  1. Introduction

Mary Shelley (August 30, 1797 - February 1, 1851), wife of Percy Bysshe Shelley, is an English novelist, short story writer, dramatist, essayist, biographer, and travel writer. Mary was born at The Polygon, Somers Town. However, ten days later, she lost her mother Mary Wollstonecraft, author of Vindication of the Rights of Woman. Afterwards, Mary was raised by her father William Godwin, a political philosopher. In 1871, History of a Six Weeks’ Tour, Mary’s first work and a travel narrative, was published. For a long time, Mary is mainly known for her first science fiction Frankenstein, for which she is called as “Mother of Science Fiction”. Apart from Frankenstein, the other science fiction Mary wrote is the Last Man (1826). In Mary’s life, a total of seventeen works are written, such as Valperga (1823), Perkin Warbeck (1830), Lodore (1835), etc.

Frankenstein was first published anonymously in London in 1818, and was considered one of the earliest examples of science fiction. In the novel, Frankenstein, an eccentric scientist, brings the component parts of a creature together and re-animates the corpse. Soon after, he finds out what he creates is a monster and abandons him immediately. The monster has to learn how to make a living by himself. He was born innocent. However, humans are disgusted at him and turn him into a real monster. He blames Frankenstein and takes revenge on him, which makes both of them suffer in their lifetime. It may seem that the monster does harm to Frankenstein and innocent people for his evil. The actuality is that he is the victim and his body and evil conduct are all created by humans. Humans are responsible for the monster’s twisted character and his tragedy.

The publication of Frankenstein astonished people, and there were many arguments in the field of science. As a controversial novel, Frankenstein raised much attention and was studied from different perspectives. The overseas study of this novel mostly focuses on gothic feature because Frankenstein is infused with elements of Gothic novel. Domestic studies mainly focus on feminism because the novel is written from feministic points of view. A large amount of study of character transformation mostly focuses on the Sigmund Freud’s “Tripartite Theory”. While other Chinese scholars apply “Tripartite Theory” to analyze the development of the monster’s psychology, the role human beings play in the monster’s twisted character has not been studied much. This thesis will study the monster’s personality transformation and the role human beings play in his personality transformation.

To study the monster’s character, this thesis will be divided into three parts. The first part focuses on the process of the transformation of the monster’s character. According to the monster’s tough life, his character has been changing from his birth to his death. The second part talks about the factors leading to the transformation of the monster’s character. Due to Frankenstein’s irresponsibility and humans’ rejection and disgust, the monster fails in looking for self-identity and feels so desperate that he chooses to hurt them and finally kill himself. The third part studies reasons for humans’ attitudes towards the monster, thus revealing the fact that humans are responsible for the monster’s tragedy and self-destruction.

  1. Demonstration

2.1 Process of the transformation of the monster’s character

The monster has been changing his character from birth to death. He was born  innocent. However, humans are disgusted at his appearance and abuse him regardless of his kindness, which makes the monster feel hatred. In his heart the monster desires love and respect, so he asks for a female company to leave together and feels  desperate to see her destroyed. At last, the monster is regretful for all the crime he has done. He is so painful that he commits suicide.

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