A Contrastive Study between Two Versions of Autumn in Peiping from the Perspective of Flavor Theory毕业论文

 2021-04-02 11:04

摘 要




  1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………...1

2. Demonstration………………………………………………………………………2

2.1. Basic principles of Flavor Theory………………….........................……….…….2

2.1.1. Origin and development ………........................………………………………..2

2.1.2.Core concept--Three Elements..............................................................................3

2.2. An overview of Autumn in Peiping………………………...................……..……4

2.2.1. The author of Autumn in Peiping.........................................................................4

2.2.2. The two translators of Autumn in Peiping...........................................................4

2.3. A contrastive study based on three elements of Flavor Theory in versions of Autumn in Peiping.........................................................................................................6

2.3.1. From the perspective of sound and rhythm..........................................................6

2.3.2. From the perspective of atmosphere....................................................................7

2.3.3. From the perspective of specificity of language..................................................8

3. Conclusion……………...….....................................................................................10


A Contrastive Study between Two Versions of Autumn in Peiping

--from the perspective of Flavor Theory


As a kind of literary genre, prose is more flexible in structure, not subjected to formality, good at conveying emotions or thoughts, enjoying the characteristics which we call as ‘dispersive and divine’, which means that its materials are free and wide, but not limited to time or space.However, when it comes to the prose translation, the existence of such characteristics, which we usually regard as a translation style, can be a controversial hindrance to translator.

The introduction of Flavor Theory gave us a new window into the prose translation. By responding to the prose’s characteristics, Liu put forward Flavor Theory to successfully guide its translating practice. With its robust explanatory ability, Flavor theory has been widely applied to the prose translation in three aspects: atmosphere, specificity of language and sound and rhythm.

Currently, in China, prose translation’s study mainly focuses on the English translation of Chinese prose. They generally discuss about the translating style and its effect on conveying the original text’s style--whether it should keep or appropriately change the original style as well as the principles for translators to follow while translating the prose. In the study of translation, the Flavor Theory has attracted increasing attention to the flavor of the original text. Nevertheless, studies applying to the style translation are always few and far between.

This paper is intended to make a contrastive study between the two versions of Autumn in Peiping in the perspective of Flavor Theory. After introducing the general framework of Flavor Theory and Chinese prose’s translation style, the author discuss the differences between the two versions, after that, trying to provide a new principle of the prose’s translation style, with examples taken from the contrast between the two versions.

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