A Study on the Translation of The Remains of the Day From the Perspective of Relevance Theory毕业论文

 2021-04-02 11:04

摘 要




  1. Introduction............................................................................................................... 1

2. Demonstration............................................................................................................1

2.1. An Overview of Relevance Theory.........................................................................1

2.1.1. The Basic Principle of Relevance Theory............................................................2

2.1.2. Origin and Development......................................................................................2

2.1.3. Core Concept-- Ostension and Inference............................................................,3

2.2. An Overview of The Remains of the Day................................................................3

2.2.1. The Author of The Remains of the Day-- Kazuo Ishiguro...................................3

2.2.2. Main Plots and Characters....................................................................................4

2.3. The Application of Relevance Theory to the Translation in The Remains of the Day.................................................................................................................................4

2.3.1. The Realization of Optimal Relevance in terms of Context................................4

2.3.2. The Realization of Optimal Relevance in terms of Cultural Identity...................5

2.3.3. Analysis on the Translation Loss..........................................................................6


Works Cited.........................................................................................8


A Study on the Translation of The Remains of the Day From the Perspective of Relevance Theory

  1. Introduction

After the publication of the 2017 Nobel Prize for Literature, the public learned more about the Japanese-English novelist Kazuo Ishiguro and more and more people were exposed to the scar literature.

However, not all readers have the ability to read the source text, so the translator acts as a bridge between the author and the reader, and translates the source text to present the original book's essence to the target reader. However, with the continuous development of the translation, the number and types of translation work are increasing, and the quality of translated work is inevitably mixed. Mr. Mao Guoan's translation of The Remains of the Day was widely praised after it was published, and it has been republished several times during the period.

In 1986, Dan Sperber and Deidre Wilson, the scholars in cognitive pragmatics, proposed relevance theory which based on the criticism and development of Grice's "conversational principle." Relevance theory believes that the nature of communication is an explicit-inferential process involving information intention and communicative intention and subject to the principle of association. In 1991 Wilson's student, Ernest-August Gutt, introduced relevance theory into translation studies and proposed translation relevance theory in Translation and Relevance: Cognition and Context, broadening the research field of relevance theory and also finding a new perspective for translation studies.

  1. Demonstration

2.1 An Overview of Relevance Theory

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