A Study of Translation Strategies of Folding Beijing from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory毕业论文

 2021-04-02 11:04

摘 要


⼩说《北京折叠》是中国科幻⼥作家郝景芳的代表作之⼀。⼩说包含许多中国成语, 北⽅⽅⾔等具有地⽅特⾊的表达,且长短句结合,运⽤多种修辞⼿法,语⾔⽣动形象, 富有感染⼒。因此,在翻译实践中,译者应基于原⽂风格及内容,在词汇、句法、修辞这三个⽅⾯采⽤恰当的翻译策略,⽐如:增译法、直译法、意译法、顺序法、断句法等,使译⽂流畅贴切,达到功能对等的要求。


Functional Equivalence Theory was first proposed by Eugene A. Nida, which focuses on the receptors’ response to the translated text that requires the translator to make the target-text readers feel the same as source-text readers do as much as possible. This thesis, from the perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory, attempts to explore the translation strategies adopted by the translator, Ken Liu, through the English translations of the Chinese science fiction, Folding Beijing, based on lexical, sentential and rhetorical levels.

Folding Beijing is a novelette written by Chinese female Sci-Fi author Hao Jingfang. It was published on Uncanny Magazine in 2015, which later won the 2016 Hugo Award for Best Novelette. Hao wrote this novel in the vernacular. Besides, the usage of various rhetoric devices and the combination of simple and complex sentences also make the language vivid and captivating to its readers. Hence, in translation, the translator has adopted different translation strategies including amplification, literal translation, liberal translation, sequential translation, split translation and so on in order to produce a functionally equivalent target text.

Key words: Functional Equivalence Theory; literary translation; translation strategy

  1. Introduction 1
    1. Introduction to Functional Equivalence Theory 1
    2. Introduction to Folding Beijing and its translator Ken Liu 2
  2. Demonstration. 2
    1. Lexical translation in Folding Beijing based on Functional Equivalence Theory 2
      1. Lexical translation through paraphrase 3
      2. Lexical translation through amplification… 4
    2. Sentential translation in Folding Beijing based on Functional Equivalence Theory… 5
      1. Sentential translation through sequential translation 5
      2. Sentential translation through split translation… 6
    3. Rhetoric translation in Folding Beijing based on Functional Equivalence Theory 7
      1. Rhetoric translation through literal translation 7
      2. Rhetoric translation through liberal translation 8
  3. Conclusion… 9

Works Cited 10

Bibliography 10

A Study of Translation Strategies of Folding Beijing from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory


    1. Introduction to Functional Equivalence Theory

Functional Equivalence Theory was first proposed by Eugene A. Nida, an American translation theorist and linguist, whose translation theories were introduced into China during the 1980s and has exerted a tremendous influence on translation studies worldwide. “Functional Equivalence” or “Dynamic Equivalence” is the core of Nida’s translation theories. Nida did not give a clear definition of “dynamic equivalence” until 1969. In his book The Theory and Practice of Translation, “dynamic equivalence” was defined as “in terms of the degree to which the receptors of the message in the receptor language respond to

it in substantially the same manner as the receptors in the source language” (Nida 1969:24).

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