从《吾国吾民》看林语堂的幽默美学Yutang Lins Humor Aesthetics in My Country My People毕业论文

 2021-04-02 01:04

摘 要





Lin Yutang was the first Chinese who translated the word from English “humor” into “you mo” in Chinese. He endeavored to establish humorous genre in literature, and was regarded as one of the pioneers in its field. People had studied Lin’s humor style in his famous Chinese works for a long time, but they had not focused on Lin’s English work. Basing on his first famous and popular English work My Country and My people, this paper aims to analyze Lin Yutang’s humor aesthetics. The work is written proudly and humorously and with beauty, seriously and with gaiety.

There are six parts in my paper. The first part is a brief introduction to Lin Yutang and humor. The following part is introduction to the development of humor, and previous studies on Lin’s works. The third part focus on Lin’s selection of unique materials, combination of multiple rhetoric devices and connotation of humor value. In the fourth part, the ways describe how Lin achieved humor aesthetics in My Country and My people by using unique materials, contrastive rhetoric and humor value are discussed. The fifth part is the enlightenment of Lin’s humor for our modern life. Connecting with reality, the author shows the ways of people how to live leisurely and fight against tragedy with humor. And the final part is a conclusion.

Key Words: Lin Yutang; Humor; My Country and My people


1 Introduction 1

2 Literature Review 2

2.1. Previous Studies on Humor 2

2.2 Previous Studies on Lin’s Works 3

3 Humor Aesthetics and Lin’s works 4

3.1 Selection of Unique Materials 4

3.2 Combination of Multiple Rhetoric Devices 5

3.3 Connotation of Humor Value 6

4 Humor Aesthetics in My Country and My People 7

4.1 Publication of My Country and My people 7

4.2 Ways to Achieve Humor Aesthetics in This Work 7

4.2.1 Ordinary and common theme 7

4.2.2 Technique of comparison and contrast 8

4.2.3 Optimistic and dark humor 9

5 Enlightenment of Lin’s Humor for Our Modern Life 12

5.1 Learn to Live Leisurely 12

5.2 Fight Against Tragedy with Humor 13

6 Conclusion 15

References 16

Acknowledgement 17

Humor Aesthetics In Lin Yutang’s

My Country And My People

1 Introduction

Language as kind of human communication, promotes social development and construction of tools whose derivative humor brings more different things. Humorous language is acceptable in rhetoric theories. Language differences exist between countries, while humor can not found in different countries.

Lin’s My Country And My People is Chinese first book on the history of literature in English on Chinese culture comprehensively and systematically introduce books. Nobel Prize laureate Pearl Buck made a praise, It is truthful and not ashamed of the truth ; it is written proudly and humorously and with beauty, serious and with gaiety, appreciative and understanding of both old and new.

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