The Contrastive Study of Forrest Gump and Being alive毕业论文

 2021-04-06 12:04

摘 要




  1. Introduction............................................................................................................1
  2. Demonstration........................................................................................................2
    1. The difference in background..............................................................................2

2.1.1 The background of Forrest Gump......................................................................2

2.1.2 The background of Being alive..........................................................................4

2.2 Contrast on the resilience of life...........................................................................4

2.2.1American Spirit under American Anti-Cultural Movement...............................5

2.2.2 Life beliefs arising from the theme of death.....................................................6

2.3 Contrast on the lack of women roles....................................................................7

2.3.1 The influences from Gump’s mother and Jenny...............................................8

2.3.2 The influences on Fugui from Jiazhen.............................................................10

  1. Conclusion...........................................................................................................10

Work cited...............................................................................................................12


The Contrastive Study of Forrest Gump and Being alive

  1. Introduction

Being alive and Forrest Gump are two films with different styles. The former tells the story of a destined deaf young man experiencing the fate and suffering of his life in different times and the way he chose to accept his destiny in the face of suffering and death. The latter is an extraordinary story of people with intellectual disabilities who are constantly transcending life. In the pursuit of life by Gump, it captures the pace of social development in the United States for decades. Many people compared the Forrest Gump with other films in the past. For instance, Junbing took the Chinese films Chinese partner and Forrest Gump as examples. In a comparative visual threshold, he discussed the narration and narration strategies of inspirational films and inspirational cultures(2014). In addition, Long Changwu compares Calling me first with Forrest Gump (2014), which also starts with the inspirational topic. Thus, these papers study the films from inspirational point. Few people focus on the contrast of the social environment. And these points can also be called the contrast between the historical environment of China and the United States. The protagonists Fugui and Gump in Being alive and Forrest Gump have a strong attachment to life. The times are constantly changing and the society is constantly developing, but they are trying hard to live. This article compares the consistency of human concerns with the touch of social history in terms of the resilience of life and the absence of women in order to reveal the commonness of human thought. The article is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the different historical and social backgrounds of the two films and reveals the political and historical background. In the second part, from the theme of death, we discussed the meaning of life, the value of existence, and the experience of the hero's self. The third part discuss the topic of women deeply. The overall absence of women's awareness of the subject became the common pursuit of the two films, but this does not mean that the two films lack the portrayal of women, this section summarizes the reasons for the absence of women.


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