An Analysis of Film Title translation from the Perspective of Skopo Theory毕业论文

 2021-04-02 11:04

摘 要





1. Introduction................................................................................................................1

2. Demonstration............................................................................................................2

2.1 Skopostheorie...........................................................................................................2

2.1.1The development of skopostheorie.........................................................................2

2.1.2 Three rules of Skoposthoerie.................................................................................4

2.1.3 The evaluation criteria of Skoposthoerie...............................................................7

2.2 Film title translation ................................................................................................8

2.2.1 Key features and functions of film title.................................................................8

2.2.2 Naming approaches of film title .........................................................................10

2.3 An overview of film title translation......................................................................11

2.4 Application of Skopostheorie to film title translation ...........................................13

2.4.1 Advantages of application of Skopostheorie to film title translation..................13

2.4.2 Methods of film title translation from the perspective of Skopostheorie............15

3. Conclusion................................................................................................................17

Works Cited..................................................................................................................18


An Analysis of Film Title translation from the Perspective of Skopostheorie

1. Introduction

As a window through which we probe into the soul of the film, the title of which not only conveys the theme of the film and lays the emotional tone, but also is able to attract the audience to campaign for the promotion of the film. From this perspective, the film title translation is particularly important as the key guiding role. While the big gap between Chinese and Western cultures brought uneven quality affected by such kind of differences.

In Katharina Reiss’s Possibilities and Limitations of Translation Criticism published in 1971, she established the prototype of functionalist theory. The German translation researcher Hans Vermeer first proposed the Skopostheorie in his book The General Translation Theory published in 1978, starting a new way in translation study thus revolutionized the translation circle.

The original text is not given a position of authority in Skopostheorie, but an entity open to unlimited possibilities, and also one of many sources of information used by translators. The selection of certain information accounts for translators’ belief of meeting a certain purpose in the target culture. Skopostheorie puts translation in the category of human behavior theory and points out that translation is a purpose-oriented behavior of mankind. Fermile defines translation as a type of transformation in which communicative language is used. In this theoretical framework, translation means "making a text in the target context for the target audience and target audience within the target language." The target audience here is the translator. It can be seen that Skopostheorie emphasizes the role of target language readers and target language in translation. Fermile's Skopostheorie holds that the purpose of translation can be divided into the following three categories: the purpose of the translator; the purpose of the communicative purpose of the target language; the purpose of the translation strategy.

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