The Translation of English Brand Names from the Perspective of Skopostheorie毕业论文

 2021-04-07 04:04

摘 要






1. Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1

2. Demonstration---------------------------------------------------------------------------------2

2.1. An overview of Skopostheorie and the translation of brand names -----------------2

2.1.1. Origin and development of Skopostheorie -------------------------------------------2

2.1.2. Three rules of Skopostheorie------------------------------------------------------------2 Purpose rule-----------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Coherence rule--------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Fidelity rule-----------------------------------------------------------------------------4

2.1.3. A review of the translation of brand names -------------------------------------------4

2.1.4. Skopostheorie’s influence on translating brand names -----------------------------5

2.2. The Translation of English brand names from other two perspectives--------------6

2.2.1. The perspective of cultural difference-------------------------------------------------6

2.2.2. The perspective of aesthetics------------------------------------------------------------7

2.3. Apply the three rules of Skopostheorie to the analysis of the translation of English brand names --------------------------------------------------------------------------------8

2.3.1. The purpose rule--------------------------------------------------------------------------8

2.3.2. The coherence rule ---------------------------------------------------------------------10

2.3.3. The fidelity rule -------------------------------------------------------------------------11

3. Conclusion------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13

Works Cited -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14

Bibliography ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15

The Translation of English Brand Names from the Perspective of Skopostheorie

1. Introduction

Since joining the World Trade Organization, China has accelerated the process of international convergence in various fields such as economy and trade, and more and more foreign goods have poured into the Chinese market. As a very significant part of goods and services, trade names have been inseparable from economic activity and people's lives.

Foreign companies strive to sort out the brand image as soon as possible, therefore, a new brand of translation in establishing a brand image plays a pivotal role. Unfortunately, some translators only consider maximizing business interests, leading to formal equivalence between the trademark name of the original language and the trademark name of the target language, and some translators consider too much interrogation and ignore other As a result, the translation of the results in the target market is difficult to be favored. We believe that these complex phenomena can be explained from Hans Vermeer's teleology.

The paper intends to study the translation of English brand trademark from the perspective of Skopostheorie. But also pointed out that the trademark translation should be based on the translation to achieve the purpose of publicity and persuasion, the use of a variety of translation strategies and methods to stimulate the desire to buy potential customers, so that products in the market more competitive.

This thesis, adopting the skopos theory perspective, studies the translation of English brand names.

Part 1 focuses on the overview of Skopostheorie and the translation of brand names.

Part 2 is devised to introduce and analyze other two perspectives of the translation of English brand names.

Part 3 concentrates on applying the three rules of Skopostheorie to the analysis of the translation of English brand names.

The last part brings the thesis to a natural conclusion that skopos theory is an effective principle to guide the translations of brand names. This theory requires functions as their original purpose in the translation process.

  1. Demonstration

2.1 An overview of Skopostheorie and the translation of brand names

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