The comparison of teaching strategies in large and small classes in college毕业论文

 2021-04-07 04:04

摘 要


关键词:大学英语 大班化英语教学 对比研究 小班化英语教学



1. Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1

2.1 Reviews of literature----------------------------------------------------------------------2

2.1.1 The situation of the large-class teaching ---------------------------------------------2

2.1.2 The situation of the small-class teaching --------------------------------------------2

2.2 Current situation of large and small-class teaching in China------------------------3

2.2.1 The problems of large-class teaching------------------------------------------------3,4

2.2.2 The issues of small- class teaching---------------------------------------------------3,4

2.3 The strategies in large and small-class teaching ---------------------------------------5

2.3.1 The strategies in large-class teaching-----------------------------------------------5,6 Strengthening the appeal of teaching-----------------------------------------------7 Being humorous-----------------------------------------------------------------------8 Motivating the students---------------------------------------------------------------8

2.3.2 The strategies in small-class teaching-------------------------------------------------9 Individualized teaching---------------------------------------------------------------9 Group cooperation---------------------------------------------------------------------9 Learning by doing ---------------------------------------------------------------------9

3. Conclusion-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------10

Works Cited-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11


The comparison of teaching strategies in large and small-classes in college


With the development of education enterprise form, English teaching has made great achievements, especially in the English teaching reform, teaching facilities, and the students' English level. The college English teaching in China has made great achievements, but at the same time also faces a great challenge. 

The size of the class type is a relative concept. Our education focused on small-class teaching in the 1990 s, "small class education has now become a hot spot and direction of education reform in our country. Small classes began in 1997 in Shanghai with a number of 32 people at the begning. In 1999, the number shifted to 28.In 2000 the number shifted to 24 people. Scholars have recognized the advantages of small-class teaching " small class teaching increases the frequency of communication and interaction between teachers and students.The principal role of students got into full play, teaching pay more attention to the all-round development of students. The students' knowledge, ability and personality are fully developed.

As an important pattern of large-class teaching, the cooperative learning achieved fairly good results as spoken language using ability, especially for students. It's worth to take students as the center of cooperative learning. While the small-class teaching is developing quickly as well. Compared with the developed countries in the world of small-class teaching reform, small-class teaching in China started late. Small-class teaching in our country is still in the exploring stage.

There are many problems in the big-class. First large-class teaching lack of communication between teachers and students, students lack adequate performance space and opportunity of participation. Second, by the classroom form, class locations, class number of factors such as limit, large-class teaching usually adopted filling the method of type teaching, and a variety of interaction between teachers and students like discussion-based, heuristic method of teaching is difficult to implement. Again, large-class teachers are difficult to grasp the lecture schedule and depth, and difficult to distinguish between students' personal development needs. Finally, the teacher have large heavy workload of teaching, and it is difficult for them to recognize all the students’ cognitions. The small-class also has quite a few issues, with the increasing number of students, the teacher resources increasingly tense, large-class English teaching has become the product of The Times. The practice of large-class English teaching to the teaching means, teaching method, classroom organization proposed the new challenge. Large-class teaching and the complement of small-class teaching each other, they are both important to college students' English learning.

2. Demonstration

2.1.1 The Situation of the Large-Class Teaching

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