A Brief Discussion on Simultaneous Interpretation in China.毕业论文

 2021-04-04 10:04

摘 要





1.1 Research background..............................................................................................2

1.2 Application and significance of research.................................................................3

1.3 The meaning and form of research.........................................................................4


2.1 The research and application of interview..............................................................6

2.2Interview source and content...................................................................................7

2.2.1 Professional introduction.....................................................................................8

2.2.2 Specific work content...........................................................................................8

2.2.3 Salary and Treatment...........................................................................................9

2.2.4 Professional Requirements and Conditions..........................................................9

2.2.5 Further Development Space...............................................................................10

2.2.6 Suggestions for future generations....................................................................10

3.Society's doubts about the profession.....................................................................11

3.1 Is Simultaneous interpretation only for Youth?.....................................................12

3.2 Will simultaneous interpretation be replaced by AI?............................................12

4. Conclusion...............................................................................................................13


A Brief Discussion on

Simultaneous Interpretation in China

  1. Introduction

1.1 Research background

Simultaneous interpretation is widely used in international conferences, which has a high demand for academics and professionalism. Since its extremely challenging and high salary, this occupation always be an ideal profession in the minds to English major students.

In the 1990s, interpreter Franz Porchhack argued in his book “Introduction to Interpretation Studies” that the source speaker sends out information and transmits it to the target language recipient through the interpreter. Interpreters play a role of balancing and controlling the communication between the two sides. The interpreter is the transit station of the whole communication information transmission, not only as a code "converter" in the process of translation. This viewpoint coincides with the previous discussions of some domestic scholars. In the process of translation practice, since each interpreter's experience background and professional ability are different, they will form different cognitive ability and experience. Since 1990s, western interpreting studies have been more thorough and comprehensive than before. At the beginning of the new century, scholars have been studying interpreting from a broader perspective and from an inter perspective. Western scholars' research perspectives include: methods and perspectives of interpretation and translation evaluation; performance and basis of evaluation; evaluation of interpreters' employers; evaluation of interpreters' competence and quality; evaluation of interpreting teaching effect, etc. From an interdisciplinary perspective, we can learn knowledge and nutrition from communicative science, psychology, linguistics, terminology and other disciplines (Gao, 2014).

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