A Study on English Affective Vocabulary from the Perspective of Conceptual Metaphor毕业论文

 2021-04-04 10:04

摘 要





1. Introduction.. 5

1.1 Background of the Study..........................................................................................5

1.2 Significant of the Study............................................................................................6

1.3 Organization of the Thesis........................................................................................6

2. Demonstration 6

2.1 Literature Review.....................................................................................................6

2.1.1 Studies on Metaphor......................................................................................6

2.1.2 Studies on Affective Vocabulary....................................................................8

2.1.3 Studies on Metaphor and Emotion................................................................9

2.2Metaphor in Affective Vocabulary......................................................................... ..10

2.2.1 Orientation 10

2.2.2 Weather 11

2.2.3 Color 12

2.2.4 Container 14

2.2.5 Behavior 15

3. Conclusion 16

3.1 Major Findings...............................................................................................16

3.2 Implications....................................................................................................16

3.3 Limitations and the Further Study..................................................................17

Works Cited 18

Bibliography 19

A Study on English Affective Vocabulary from the Perspective of Conceptual Metaphor

  1. Introduction
    1. Background of the Study

Metaphor, as a common rhetorical device, essentially uses one thing to understand and experience another. People usually refer to understand an abstract and intangible thing by means of a concrete, tangible thing. In fact, metaphor is not only a rhetorical device, but also an important cognitive tool. By the end of the 20th century, the study of metaphor has entered a new stage. In "Metaphors We Live By", Lakoff amp; Johnson argues that metaphors exist not only in language, but also in the daily conceptual system on which we think and act, and these activities are basically metaphorical in nature. Therefore, they put forward the theory of "Conceptual Metaphor". Emotion, as the most common life experience, is the attitude experience of whether objective things meet their own needs, involving sensation, physiology, behavior and conceptualization. No matter what nation, what race, all have specific emotions. There are many kinds of emotions, including emotion, family, friendship and love. General psychology divides human emotional experience into four basic categories, namely, joy, anger, sadness and fear. (Ye, 1997)

Metaphor, as a bridge between concrete and abstract, plays a key role in how to express abstract emotion with concrete concepts, so we often associate emotion with rhetoric. According to the studies, most metaphors about happiness are related to direction, and that upright movements are generally used to indicate happiness. Sometime, emotions such as joy, sadness, anger, they can also be associated with orientation and containers. Colors can stimulate people's visual nerves, thus triggering different emotions. Therefore, color is often used as a metaphor for human emotions. (Liu, 2011). According to cognitive psychology, when people achieve the desired purpose because of the objective things or situations to meet the needs and aspirations of the subject, there will be psychological pleasure and comfort, and will be accompanied by a certain external performance. (Su, 2011)

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