Brief Analysis of the Features of Incompetent Mothers in William Faulkners Novels毕业论文

 2021-04-02 11:04

摘 要


关键词: 福克纳,不称职母亲,康普生太太,艾迪,尤拉


1. Introduction.............................................................................................................1

2. Demonstration.........................................................................................................2

2.1Mrs. Compson in The Sound and the Fury ..............................................................2

2.1.1 A brief introduction of The Sound and the Fury and Mrs. Compson....................2

2.1.2 Mrs. Compson as an "indifferent" mother.............................................................3

2.1.3 Significance of the characterization of Mrs. Compson.........................................5

2.2 Addie Bundren in As I Lay Dying ...........................................................................5

2.2.1 A brief introduction of As I Lay Dying and Addie Bundren.................................6

2.2.2 Addie as a "revengeful" mother............................................................................7

2.2.3 Significance of the characterization of Addie......................................................8

2.3 Eula Varner in The Snopes Trilogy..........................................................................9

2.3.1 A brief introduction of The Snopes Trilogy and Eula Varner................................9

2.3.2 Eula as a "materialized" mother..........................................................................11

2.3.3 Significance of the characterization of Eula.....................................................12

  1. Conclusion............................................................................................................12


Works Cited ...............................................................................................................15

Bibliography ..............................................................................................................16

Incompetent Mothers in William Faulkner's Works

1. Introduction

William Faulkner (1897-1962) is one of the greatest novelists in the United States in the 20th century. Recognized as the leader of the Southern Renaissance Movement, Faulkner has harvested considerable achievements in literary realm. His baronial historical Yoknapatawpha works make immense contribution to American literature and the world literature.

Faulkner has created numerous classic female figures who have various characteristics, status, values, etc. The thesis will focus on a group of incompetent mothers: Mrs. Compson in The Sound and the Fury, Addie Bundren in As I Lay Dying and Eula Varner in The Snopes Trilogy(The Hamlet, The Town, The Mansion). This unique group of women hints partially Faulkner's attitudes towards southern females under patriarchal system. Therefore, this thesis will analyze three incompetent mothers in Faulkner's works, respectively Mrs. Compson as an "indifferent mother" in The Sound and the Fury, Addie Bundren as a "revengeful mother" in As I Lay Dying and Eula Varner as a "materialized mother" in The Snopes Trilogy.

The whole thesis will be divided into three parts. The first chapter will concentrate on Mrs. Compson in The Sound and the Fury. After a brief introduction of Mrs. Compson, the thesis will focus on her "indifference" to her children, especially to Benjy and Caddy. The second chapter will study Addie Bundren in As I Lay Dying. In consideration of Addie's complex selfhood, this thesis will study how Addie is portrayed as a "revengeful" mother. Due to Addie's revengeful wish of being buried in her hometown, her family has suffered a arduous journey. The last chapter will focalize the "materialized mother"----Eula Varner in The Snopes Trilogy. Eula's incompetence lies in her motionlessness and materialization. In the trilogy, Eula seems to be a beautiful work of god rather than an ordinary woman. Obviously a voluptuous goddess won't be a good mother. The thesis analyzes Eula's incompetent traits in terms of her materialization. Through the characterization of these three incompetent mothers, Faulkner conveys his intricate viewpoints towards woman.

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