An Ecocritical Interpretation of Frankenstein毕业论文

 2021-04-02 11:04

摘 要




1. Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1

1.1 A brief introduction to Frankenstein----------------------------------------------------1

1.2 A general explanation of Ecocriticism--------------------------------------------------2

2. Demonstration-----------------------------------------------------------------------------4

2.1 The imbalances of Natural Ecology-----------------------------------------------------4

2.1.1 Frankenstein: A person who violates the laws of nature----------------------------4

2.1.2 The monster: The avenger as an incarnation of nature------------------------------5

2.2 The imbalances of Social Ecology------------------------------------------------------6

2.2.1 The isolation between Frankenstein and society------------------------------------7

2.2.2 Desertion of the monster by Frankenstein-------------------------------------------8

2.3 The imbalances of Spiritual Ecology---------------------------------------------------9

2.3.1 Frankenstein:Facing the problem of mental collapse----------------------------10

2.3.2 The monster:Suffering from the spiritual torture---------------------------------11

3. Conclusion--------------------------------------------------------------------------------11

Works Cited -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------13


An Ecocritical Interpretation of Frankenstein

  1. Introduction

1.1 A brief introduction to Frankenstein

As an English novelist, short story writer, dramatist, essayist, biographer, and a travel writer, Mary Shelley is best known for her Gothic novel Frankenstein. Although being neglected frequently, Mary Shelley, who is born on August 30, 1797, is an outstanding literary figure during the period of English Romantic literature. Frankenstein is a novel about an eccentric scientist Victor Frankenstein, who creates a grotesque creature in an unorthodox scientific experiment. In Frankenstein, a tragic story of Victor Frankenstein and his monster has been told. Finally, the health problem of Victor becomes more serious and he dies on the way of chasing the monster. On the other hand, the monster commits suicide soon.

Born in a prominent family in Geneva, Switzerland, Victor grew up with Elizabeth, who was an orphan, and two younger brothers, Ernest and William. At the same time, Henry Clerval was the only intimate friend in his whole childhood. When he was nineteen years old, Victor showed great interest in natural philosophy, which became an obsession after he studied further in the German university.

After four-year assiduous study, being isolated from the outside world, Victor created a monster whose body parts were taken from places like graveyards, slaughterhouses and dissecting rooms. However, He was terrified by his creation and fled from his laboratory in alarm while the monster disappeared. After a prolonged brain fever, Victor was back to health with the help of his friend Clerval for about two years. However, he had no idea about the monster during this period of time.

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