A Study of Hosseini’s And the Mountains Echoed毕业论文

 2021-04-02 11:04

摘 要




  1. Introduction............................................................................................................... 1

2. Demonstration............................................................................................................1

2.1 Physical space displayed by landscape writings .......... ..........................................1

2.1.1Damaged Kabul as the symbol of a ruined home country.....................................1

2.1.2 Paris, Greece and USA as the symbol of a safe and free harbor to escape...........2

2.2 Social space implied in And the Mountains Echoed................................................4

2.2.1 Controlled Space resulted from Afghan Totalitarianism......................................5

2.2.2 Male-dominated Space constructed by patriarchal hierarchy..............................11

2.3Psychological space represented by Nira and Pavwana..........................................12

2.3.1 Psychological space represented by Nira............................................................13

2.3.2Psychological space represented by Pavwana......................................................13

3. Conclusion................................................................................................................14


A Spatial Interpretation of

Khaled Hosseini’ s And the Mountains Echoed

  1. Introduction

Khaled Hosseini (1965-) is an Afghan American novelist and doctor. Husseini, who was born in Kabul, followed his father to Iran and France because of his father’s occupation, the diplomat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since his mother was a high school teacher, he read a lot of Persian poetry and influenced his later career and writing. As the third novel written by Hosseini, And the Mountains Echoed became the best-selling book of the New York Times bestseller.At the end of the first week of the market, this novel has sold more than 1 million copies.

And the Mountains Echo consists of a series of interrelated and interrelated stories. Hosseini explores the ways families cultivate, wound, betray, honor and piety sacrifice for each other. The main plot is about a brother Abdullah and his lover Sister Parry who was hard off and tragedy apart. After being torn, both are irreversibly changed in their lives. Although the main narrative involves the bond between Abdullah and Parry, the book's branch also includes storylines involving multiple characters and original stories.

At present, the analysis of this novel focuses on topics, characters, and so on. Few studies are conducted from a spatial perspective. Given the important role of space in this novel, this article will be based on Henry Lefebvre's space theory. He believes that space is a product, a relationship, and the behavior of the subject. Lefebvre emphasizes the dialectical relationship between society, history and space. Looking at space should be based on society and history; research on society and history is also conducted under the conditions of space. The core categories of his space dialectics include space practice, spatial representation and representation space. Based on Lefevere's three-dimensional space theory, namely physical space, social space and psychological space, this paper attempts to explore the contribution of space works to characterization, plot development and thematic expression.

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