非语言交际中中美商务谈判的差异 On Differences of Nonverbal Communication in Business Negotiation between China and the United States毕业论文

 2021-04-02 01:04

摘 要





With the development of economic globalization and the international trade, international business negotiations, as a special form of cross-cultural communication, are becoming more and more important. While dong these business activities, people usually lay more emphasis on verbal communication and ignore the significance of nonverbal communication. In the cross-cultural context, accurate nonverbal communication can accelerate the exchange of information, and improper nonverbal communication may lead to misunderstanding or conflicts. Compared with verbal communication, nonverbal communication can convey information and emotion more authentically, and plays the decisive role in the communication.

This paper attempts to study business negotiations from the angle of nonverbal communication and to explore the differences of nonverbal communication in business negotiation between China and the United States. It is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction to the background when the international business negotiation appears and the necessity of nonverbal communication. In the second part, the paper illuminates the definitions and classification of nonverbal communication. In the third part, the paper elaborates the definition and classification of the business negotiation. In the fourth part, the paper, based on case analysis, shows the differences of nonverbal communication between China and the United States are stated in four main aspects in details: body language, paralanguage, environmental language and object language. In the last part, the author points out the significance of nonverbal communication in business negotiation and concludes that only when we understand the differences of nonverbal communication in business negotiation between China and the United States, can we achieve precise application of nonverbal communication in business negotiation to declines misunderstandings and propel win-win situation.

Key words: nonverbal communication;international business negotiation;cultural differences


1 Introduction 1

2 Nonverbal Communication 2

2.1 Definition of Nonverbal Communication 2

2.2 Classification of Nonverbal Communication 2

3 Business Negotiation 4

3.1 Definition of Business Negotiation 4

3.2 Classification of Business Negotiation 5

4 Differences of nonverbal communication in business negotiation between China and the United States (Case Analysis) 6

4.1 Body language 6

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