英语歌词的隐喻修辞及翻译On the English lyrics'rhetoric metaphors and translation毕业论文

 2021-04-02 01:04

摘 要




关键词: 隐喻; 英文歌词翻译; 目的论


Although English songs have been receiving popularity among the Chinese, many excellent songs have been translated into Chinese, and English-Chinese translation on English songs also have related research. Research findings concerning metaphor translation of songs are very limited. In this paper, the thesis applies Skopos theory to make a analysis and abstract in metaphor translation of English lyrics, aiming at offering available methods for reference on metaphor translation of lyrics.

Owing to the similarity in cognitive linguistics, there are some similar metaphors in both Chinese and English, and metaphor translation has its existence value and the purpose to achieve. The translation of English lyrics is to let the lyrics be convenient to sing and be accepted by a large audience. However, the metaphor translation is confined largely by the characteristics of song lyrics, such as rhyme, rhythm, syntax, Chinese tones, and so on. Also, the different characteristics between English and Chinese song lyrics should be considered. So on the premise that both the SL metaphor and TL metaphor are of little national colors and convey the same semantic meanings, the translator can presence images so as to arouse similar aesthetic effect on the target readers. If the metaphors have lost their imagery due to overuse or the cultural gap is a very distant one, the translators may choose the methods of paraphrasing, adaptation, contextual amplification, since a literal translation might be misleading, unintelligible or unfit for singing to the target readers.

Finally, it points out the implications derived from the research findings and makes some suggestions for further studies.

Keywords: metaphor; translation of English lyrics; Skopos theory


1 Introduction 1

2 Analysis of metaphors in English lyrics 2

2.1 Introduction to metaphors 2

2.2 Similarities and differences between English and Chinese metaphors 2

2.3 Metaphors in English lyrics 3

2.4 Translation of metaphors 6

3 Skopos theory and translation of English metaphors 7

3.1 Skopos rule in English-Chinese metaphor translation 7

3.2 Loyalty rule in English-Chinese metaphor translation 7

3.3 Coherence rule in English-Chinese metaphor translation 8

4 Methods for metaphor translation in English lyrics 9

4.1 Literal translation 9

4.2 Paraphrasing 10

4.3 Adaptation 12

5 Conclusion 14

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