《诗经·国风》英译策略探究-以汪榕培和理雅各英译本为例 On Translation Strategies of Regional Songs in the Book of Poetry —— A Case of Wang Rongpeis and Legges Versions毕业论文

 2021-04-02 01:04

摘 要

《诗经》是我国第一部诗歌总集。它不仅是中华文学辉煌灿烂的源头,也是世界文学宝库一颗绚丽的珍珠。《诗经》收录了从公元前11世纪到公元前6 世纪创作的305首中国诗歌,并分为“风”“雅”“颂”三大类。《国风》是其中最重要的一部分,收集了当时15个地区的民歌,反映了当时不同地区人们的生活习俗。随着1871年英国传教士理雅各的《诗经》英译本的问世,国内外开始出现越来越多的古诗词曲英译作品。本文以理雅各和汪榕培的英译本为例,结合译者的自身经历和翻译动机对两种译本所采用的翻译策略进行了对比分析。


关键词:《诗经·国风》 ;英译策略;译本对比


The Book of Poetry is the first comprehensive anthology of poems in China. It is known as the source of Chinese literature and the most dazzling pearl of Chinese literature. Composed of three parts, namely “Regional Songs”, “Odes” and “Hymns”, The Book of Poetry collects 305 poems dating from the early West Zhou Dynasty to the middle Spring and Autumn Period. Among the three parts, “Regional Songs” is the first and the most essential one. It reflects the social life and customs of ordinary people. With the appearance of Legge’s translation version of The Book of Poetry in 1871, more and more poems were translated into English at home and abroad. The author focuses on “Regional Songs”, makes a comparative study on two English versions translated by James Legge and Wang Rongpei respectively, and discusses their translation strategies. With the comparison and discussion of various translation strategies, the paper sheds more light on the cross-cultural communication of Chinese classics.

In general, this paper is divided into five sections. First, it briefly introduces the historical status and cultural value of The Book of Poetry in China and World. In the second section, it makes a literature review about a variety of translation versions and subject-related research in the east and west. The third section is devoted to a comparative study between Legge’s version and Wang Rongpei’s version in terms of translation strategies with solid evidence. The fourth section discusses the reasons why the translators adopt different translation strategies in their versions. Last but not least, it makes a short summary about the features of their translation strategies, states the significance of the present research, and points out its weakness. To carry out this study is meant to offer some insights into conveying Chinese culture to the Western world.

Key Words: “Regional Songs” in The Book of Poetry ; Translation Strategies ; Translations Comparison


1 Introduction 1

2 Literature Review 3

2.1 The English translations of The Book of Poetry 3

2.2 Previous studies on the translation of The Book of Poetry 4

3 Analysis of Different Translation Strategies 6

3.1 Differences in Legge’s amp; Wang’s translations with evidence 6

3.2 Different translation strategies of Legge’s and Wang’s translations 9

4 Motivation-Oriented Discussion of Different translation strategies 11

4.1 Motivation-oriented discussion of Legge’s translation strategies 11

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