玫瑰的象征意义研究–基于福克纳与张爱玲小说的分析On the Symbolic Significance of Roses — A Comparison of Works by Faulkner and Ailing Zhang毕业论文

 2021-04-02 12:04

摘 要




In literary works, “rose” has many connotations such as the praise of nature, the condemnation of ugliness, and the aspiration for beautiful love. This paper is to study rose’s symbolic meanings in two novels: A Rose for Emily written by Faulkner and The Red Rose and the White Rose written by Eileen Change. Through comparison of uses of “rose” in these two novels, it can be explored how roses’ symbolic meanings are changed over time and what some extended symbolic meanings of “rose” are. In these two works, the symbolic meanings of rose have something in common, as they both represent sweetness of love in the beginning and ruin of love in the end.  In A Rose for Emily, the rose shows Faulkner’s love for his homeland, helplessness and deep attachment to the dying south culture, the sympathy with miserable life of Emily, and respect to her endeavor and perseveration. In Eileen Chang’s novel, she uses red and white roses to show suppression to women in male-dominated world and women’s fight against a sexism society. The two writers use the images of “rose” in different ways as Faulkner gives the rose multilevel meanings and Chang repeats the images to enhance its symbolic meaning.

Key Words: Rose, Symbolic Meaning, A Rose for Emily, The Red Rose and The White Rose


1 Introduction 1

2 Background Information 4

2.1 On authors 4

2.1.1 On William Faulkner 4

2.1.2 On Eileen Chang 5

2.2 On symbol 5

2.2.1 Symbol 5

2.2.2 Symbol and image 6

2.2.3 Basic symbolic meaning of roses 6

3 Analysis of Symbolic Meaning of Rose in A Rose for Emily and The Red Rose and The White Rose 8

3.1 Symbolic meaning of rose in A Rose for Emily 8

3.2 Symbolic meaning of rose in The Red Rose and The White Rose 9

4 Comparison of the Symbolic Signification of Rose in A Rose for Emily and The Red Rose and The White Rose 13

4.1 Similarities: love and destruction 13

4.2 Differences 14

4.2.1 Distinct way of representation 14

4.2.2 Different symbolic meanings 14

5 Conclusion 16

References 18

Acknowledgments 20

On the Symbolic Significance of Roses

- A Comparison of Works by Faulkner and Eileen Chang

1 Introduction

Roses have played an important role in the history of mankind. In 1985, the rose became the national flower of the United States. In the United Kingdom, the rose represents the royal family and the aristocracy. Rose’s inherent characteristics, such as beauty, aroma, thorn and easiness to fade, make roses have human feelings and spirit. People also give the rose many other symbolic meanings. 

In religion, the rose is rich in religious significance. People regarded “rose” as the flower of the soul, especially the “red rose” as the flower of the holy soul. The origin of roses in religion provides the mysterious color and rich imagery significance. When Christian churches energetically built all over Europe, the rose which had previously been the symbol of love for God began to symbolize the suffering and death of the martyrs and Christ. Christianity believes that the origin of the rose comes from the Christ’s blood that flowed to the ground when the Christ suffered the martyrdom on the cross. This blood rose is a holy blood rose; its bright red color is derived from the blood of Christ and it is inviolable. Therefore, one of the symbolic meanings of roses is fraternity, that is, Christ’s love for humanity.

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