英文歌曲翻译中的文化适应English Songs Translation—From Acculturation Theory Perspective毕业论文

 2021-04-02 12:04

摘 要




In view of the great differences between Chinese and Western cultural background, it is not easy for audiences to understand songs’ translation, in the process of translating the lyrics of English songs into Chinese with cultural default and conflict which may affects the spread of culture. Therefore, the translator should give full consideration into the cultural information contained in the lyrics of English songs, and use acculturation theory in order to achieve the maximum functional equivalence between the source language culture and the target language culture. In the first chapter, the paper introduces the aim and significance of the thesis, illustrates the translatability and necessity of English songs' translation. The second chapter summarizes the researches of English songs' translation, and reviews literatures on the relationship between Acculturation Theory and English songs' translation. The third chapter explains the application of Acculturation Theory in the process of translations with the help of the flowchart, and briefly introduces the three kinds of translation methods as literal translation, liberal translation and the combination of them. In the fourth chapter, based on three kinds of translation methods, the author analyzes Acculturation Theory in English song lyrics translation from the aspect of functional equivalence and the transformation of cultural images. The fifth chapter gives comments and suggestions to translators and social media on the problems existing in the translation of English songs.

Key words: English songs’ translation; Cultural image; Acculturation Theory


1 Introduction 1

2 Literature Review 3

2.1 Previous Studies on English Songs’ Translation 3

2.1.1 Previous Studies on English Songs’ Translation at Home 3

2.1.2 Previous Studies on English Songs’ Translation Abroad 4

2.2 Research on Acculturation Theory and English Songs’ Translation 5

3 Acculturation Theory and English Songs’ Translation Methods 6

3.1 Acculturation Theory 6

3.2 Three Ways of English Songs’ Translation 8

3.2.1 Literal Translation 8

3.2.2 Liberal Translation 9

3.2.3 Combination of Literal Translation and Liberal Translation 9

4 Case Study—English Lyrics’ Translation 11

4.1 Literal Translation: for the Sake of Equivalence 11

4.2 Liberal Translation: for the Sake of Cultural Image Conveying 12

4.3 Combination of Literal and Liberal Translation: for the Sake of Functional Equivalence 15

5 Enhance Acculturation Theory in English Songs’ Translation 18

5.1 English Translators: Polishing Translation Versions 18

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