摘 要
1977 年,恢复高考制后,为分类选拔人才,高中文理分科制度应运而生。自从专业细化实行开始,教育学界对其科学性和影响的探索就从未停止。虽然起初不少学者对大学专业分类化教学表示支持,认为文理分科能有效利用有限教学资源,最大化开发学生某一方面的潜能,但是经过 40 年岁月的沉淀,一些弊病开始显现。分科教学容易让学生在同一学科上的成绩表现产生较大分化。目前研究较为典型的就是文理科英语能力的差异,国家各种教育指导政策的出台往往在英语学习上,或多或少忽略了学科背景的影响,使得目前统一化的考试要求无法准确衡量各学科下大学生的真实英语水平,英语分数跨学科间的可比性也因此相差甚微。
为了更加科学地研究文理分科对大学生英语学习的影响,本文从现象出发, 实证调查影响学生英语能力的各项因素:以武汉理工大学的学生为例,具体研究 学生了学科背景、课程安排、学习效率、学习能力和风格的差异,并通过调查数 据有理有据地说明不同学科对大学生英语学习的影响。实验发现,相比理科学生, 文科学生英语综合能力更优秀,实证研究中的文科学生整体听说能力更好,情感 感知能力也较理科生强。研究还发现产生该差异的原因正是由于不同学科背景下, 文理科学生在英语学习的过程中运用资源、视觉听觉训练、课程中感知能力以及 逻辑能力培养有着较大差异。最后,本文希望通过此研究结果针对性地对目前大 学生英语教学提出建议,并引起教育从业人员对不同学科背景下英语教学差异问 题的重视。
The Art and Science Division policy was introduced after the resumption of college entrance examination in 1977 and it was then a tentative attempt to select and cultivate talents in different fields. Since the emergence of the policy there has been constant studies on its validity and possible influence. Many scholars are supportive of the policy with an idea that such policy can effectively improve the utilization of the limited education resources and tap the maximum potential of a student’s talent. However, after more than 40 years of practice, the negative influence of this division implementation comes into sight. Teaching students differently according to their majors widens the gap on specific performance. The mostly studied performance difference is English. The National Ministry of Education has published a number of books on college English teaching yet slightly ignored the influence of discipline differences, and as a result the standardized test for English cannot measure their true ability. More importantly, there are not enough studies about the discipline background influence on college English learning.
In order to study the influence of Arts and Science Division on English more systematically, and enrich current studies on this topic, the study starts from collecting quantifiable evidence and then analyzes several key factors between two subjects, finally achieves a better understanding on how discipline background affects English learning. The study collects data on curriculum set-up, learning styles, learning resources and learning ability from students in Wuhan University of Technology. It is found that arts students perform better in reading, listening and speaking as well as emotion perception and regulation than science students. According to the statistics, discipline difference is a direct cause for such disparity. Arts students practice listening and speaking more often than science students, as their majors are of different orientation, they spend different amount of time and use different resource in English study. For the same reason, there is a big difference in logical thinking capability between two groups of students. The ultimate goal of this study is to raise peoples’ awareness to the problem that English learning varies under different disciplines. There should be some solution to narrow the gap between arts and science students in English learning.
Key Words: Discipline Background, College English Learning, Empirical Study
- Introduction 1
- Research Background and significance 1
- Literature Review 2
- Research Design 3
- Research Question 3
- Research Subject 4
- Research Methodology 4
- Data Collection and Analysis 5
- Results and Discussions 9
- Difference of Learning Ability 9
- Difference of Learning Style 11
- Difference of Learning Resources 13
- Conclusion 14
- Findings 14
- Prospect for Application 15
Reference 16
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