英文影视作品对非英语专业大学生跨文化交际能力的影响探究 ——以武汉理工大学学生为例 The Impact of English Films and TV Series on Non-English College Students’ Intercultural Communication Competence ——Take Wuhan University of Technology as an 毕业论文

 2021-04-02 12:04

摘 要





With the rapid development of economic globalization and internationalization, the world gradually melts into an intimately connected whole, and the intercultural communication is increasingly frequent. Therefore, the social requirement for college students has been increased, and the intercultural communicative competence is one of the basic abilities for non-English college students to master. Meanwhile, as the carrier of culture, English films and TV series combining the interestingness, authenticity with diversity are one of the effective approaches to improve non-English college students’ intercultural communicative competence.

Based on the related theories of intercultural communicative competence and extensive analysis of literature, this paper employed questionnaires and interviews to do a research with 200 non-English college students about the general situation of their intercultural communicative competence and the impact on it caused by English films and TV series in Wuhan University of Technology. The findings of the study indicates that non-English college students have relatively good intercultural communicative competence while the deficiency of intercultural knowledge and skill exists; the appreciation of English films and TV series is positively correlated with the four dimensions of non-English college students’ intercultural communicative competence, namely intercultural knowledge, attitude, skill and awareness; the appreciation of English films and TV series has the highest correlation with intercultural awareness while there is relatively low correlation with intercultural knowledge. Based on these findings of the research, the author brings up some specific and constructive suggestions on improving non-English college students’ intercultural communicative competence with the help of English films and TV series for college English teachers and non-English college students.

Key Words: intercultural communicative competence; English films and TV series; non-English college students


1. Introduction 1

1.1 Research Background 1

1.2 Research Purpose and Significance 2

2. Literature Review 4

2.1 Definition 4

2.1.1 Definition of Culture 4

2.1.2 Definition of Intercultural Communication (IC) 4

2.1.3 Definition of Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) 5

2.2 Relationship 6

2.2.1 Relationship between Language and Culture 6

2.2.2 Relationship between English Films amp;TV Series and ICC 6

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