On hyperbole of cosmetics marketing plan on Chinese social media 从夸张修辞看社交平台上的化妆品营销文案毕业论文

 2021-04-02 12:04

摘 要




Due to the great progress of technology and escalation of various kinds of modern means of communication, cell phones have become the major facilities for people to talk and to have fun and content consumption has entered into the period of streaming media. As a consequence, online social media gradually becomes the effective way to promote sales. The prosperity of social media aiming at female customers brings up the hot sales of cosmetic products, the copy writer to promote sales has become the key of social media. Hyperbole is not only an artistic rhetorical device, but also remains as one kind of figures of speech that mainly comes from the author’s emotional expression and the need of the object being described, conveying its meaning through the rich imagination and aroused feelings, and the way of exaggerating or minimizing things based on the reality. This paper consists of four parts. The first part deals with the introduction and literature review of hyperbole, the second part is the discussion of psychologic mechanism and the effects of hyperbole including the characteristics and formations of hyperbole. The third part focuses on the case study of hyperbole language in copy writers on social media. The last part is composed of the questionnaire of the use of hyperbole in copywriters online.. trying to analyze how the hyperbole is conveyed and accepted from the psychology angle. The main purpose of this thesis is to know the relationship between hyperbole rhetoric and the sales of the product, thus reach the conclusion that what kind of effect on sales would the hyperbole language achieves.

Key Words: hyperbole, copywriter, social media, make-up product marketing, cognitive psychology



2.Literature Review…………………………………………………………………………….2

2.1 The definition of hyperbole…………………………………………………………… 2

2.2 The categories of hyperbole………. ………………………………………………….3

2.3 The effects of hyperbole

2.3.1 The psychological mechanism of hyperbole………………………………………4

2.3.2 The pragmatic effects of hyperbole.………………………………..……….7

3.Research questionnaire………………………………………………………..8

3.1The basic information of the respondents…………………………………8

3.2The questions and results……………………………………….…………8

3.3The comparison of hyperbole language and other ways of advertising….12

4. Case study of the language used in the copy writers………………………...12




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