An Analysis of Euda Welty’s photographic narrative strategy毕业论文

 2021-04-02 11:04

摘 要


关键词: 尤多拉·威尔蒂;摄影叙事技巧;快照;摄影视觉;内部聚焦


1. Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1

2. Demonstration-------------------------------------------------------------------------------3

2.1. Disjected snapshots in “A Worn Path”-------------------------------------------------- 3

2.1.1.Close-up sequences of colors and minor details--------------------------------------3

2.1.2. Direct treatment of the change of scenes----------------------------------------------6

2.2. Photographic vision in “A Piece of News”----------------------------------------------8

2.2.1. Use of blankness in characterization and plot arrangement------------------------8

2.2.2. Use of words of estrangement and conjectural description------------------------10

2.3. Internal focus in “Death of a Traveling Salesman”-----------------------------------12

2.3.1. Internal focus in visual sense—the woman and the half-cleaned lamp----------13

2.3.2. Internal focus in auditory sense—the heart beats-----------------------------------15

3. Conclusion-----------------------------------------------------------------------17

Notes---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18Works Cited ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19


An Analysis of Eudora Welty’s Photographic

Narrative Strategy

1. Introduction

Eudora Welty, the twentieth-century master of her subject and the century’s most gifted and radical practitioner of the short story, is an award-winning American author who spent almost all her life in her hometown—Jackson, Mississippi. She won most of the major literary prizes during her career, including the Pulitzer Prize and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Born April 13, 1909, to a fairly wealthy family where father was a schoolteacher who loved photography, mother an insurance executive who enjoyed reading, Welty received good education and had been endowed with the talent of story-telling since childhood.

Life in Mississippi provided Welty with large amount of writing resources. She consistently anchored herself in Jackson, living in her familial homes there for most of her ninety-two years. Her father’s fascination with photographing influenced Welty, giving her intense concentration upon cameras. The camera that her father used to record all the special moments gave Welty her visual sense and love for photography. From 1933-36, Welty worked for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) as a photographer. She traveled throughout rural Mississippi, where she took her most memorable photographs (published in 1989).

Experiences as a photographer exerted great influence on Welty’s writing style, teaching her that “life does not hold still”. According to the biographer Suzanne Marrs,

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