An Analysis of English Translation of the 19th NCCPC Report from毕业论文

 2021-04-02 11:04

摘 要






1.1 Social Semiotics and Translation----------------------------------------------------------1

1.2 The 19th NCCPC Report-------------------------------------------------------------------2

2. Demonstration---------------------------------------------------------------------------------3

2.1 Criterion of the Social Semiotics Approach to Translation ---------------------------3

2.1.1 Meaning------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3

2.1.2 Function------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4

2.1.3 Correspondence in Meaning and Similarity in Function ----------------------------6

2.2 Translation Studies on the Report under Social Semiotics Theory -------------------6

2.2.1 Studies on Lexical Level-----------------------------------------------------------------7

2.2.2 Studies on Sentence Level---------------------------------------------------------------8

2.2.3 Studies on Rhetorical Level-------------------------------------------------------------9

  1. Conclusion------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10

Works Cited -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12

Bibliography ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12

An Analysis of English Translation of the 19th NCCPC Report from the Perspective of Social Semiotics Theory

  1. Introduction

1.1 Social Semiotics and Translation

Human beings have been studying language signs for a long time, from the Book of Changes of Laozi in ancient China, to Plato and Aristotle of the Middle Ages. The continuous attention of scholars to signs and the long-term use of signs by people have confirmed the necessity of signs in social life and development.

In the early 20th century, F. de Saussure, the founder of modern linguistics, proposed the concept of semiology, pointing out that signified and signifier are two essential elements of a sign, which was a major breakthrough in the language. In 1690, the English philosopher John Locke addressed the issue of semiotics (he first used the term semiotics) in his article "Essay Concerning Human Understanding". Subsequently, American symbolic theorist Ch. Peirce and American behavioral semanticist Charles Morris explored and developed the use of semiotics in language.

In the 1980s, M.A.K.Halliday thoroughly discussed the symbolism of language in his book "Language as Social Semiotic." Halliday's disciple, Gunther Kress, put forward that social semiotics is a system for studying all human signs. Since then, many developments and breakthroughs have been achieved in social semiotics as an independent theory.

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