“礁湖”中阿尔萨特选择的伦理分析 Ethical Interpretation of Arsat’s Choice in The Lagoon毕业论文

 2021-04-02 01:04

摘 要

约瑟夫·康纳德,是一位闻名于世的波兰裔英国作家。作为英国现代主义小说的先驱,他的写作手法兼有现实主义和浪漫主义,作品多带有悲观神秘色彩,印象主义。 《礁湖》是他的早期作品,小说里描述的是,19世纪欧洲殖民者殖民了亚洲南部之后,马来西亚人阿尔萨特在面临紧要关头时所作出的一系列选择。同时小说通过大量的环境描写,营造出了极其压抑的氛围,毫不掩饰的揭露了人性中的黑暗面,让人不禁思考阿尔萨特所作选择背后的伦理性。本文借助于文学伦理批评理论来剖析阿尔萨特所作出的选择以及选择所带来的结果,旨在更好地理解小说内容以及给面临重大人生选择的人们提供参考建议。同时通过深入探索阿尔萨特选择背后的原因,了解到即使是遵从本心做出的选择也不一定带来好的结果这一事实。



Joseph Conrad was famous as a Polish-born English novelist. As a precursor of modernist literature, his writing style had the features of realism and romanticism, tragedy and impressionism. The Lagoon was one of his early short story. In this story, the Malaya, Arsat made series of extremely important choices, which happened when Europeans colonized southern Asia. At the same time, the story used many surrounding descriptions to build the atmosphere of depress and straightly exposed the darkness in human nature. It forced people to consider the ethic behind the choice that Arsat had made. This paper attempts to expound on the choice Arsat made and consequences of the choice based on ethical literary criticism, in order to digest more about the novel and provide advice for those who are faced with extremely significant choices in real lives. In the meanwhile, the truth that making choices by following real hearts might not bring about good outcome is learned through exploring reasons behind Arsat’s choice.

Key words: Conrad; ethical literary criticism; The Lagoon; choice


1 Introduction 1

1.1 Joseph Conrad and The Lagoon 1

1.2 Ethical Literary Criticism 3

2 Arsat’s Choice between His Brother and Lover 5

2.1 Arsat’s Choice 5

2.2 Relationships between the Main Characters 5

3 Reasons for Arsat’s Choice 7

3.1 External Reasons 7

3.2 Personal Reasons 7

4 Ethical Analysis of Consequences of Arsat’s Choice 9

5 Conclusion 11

Reference 13

Acknowledgements 14

Ethical Interpretation of Arsat’s Choice in The Lagoon

1 Introduction

1.1 Joseph Conrad and The Lagoon

Joseph Conrad, known as modern writers in the history of English literature, is extremely remarkable and prestigious in nautical novels. And actually he is regarded as the master of nautical novels. However, it was surprising that Conrad was a Polish-born English novelist. And it was not until he was in his twenties, did he speak English, let alone write in English. The reason why Conrad could be regarded as one of the greatest novelist in English was tightly associated with his life experience. Conrad was born on December 3rd, 1857 in Berdychiv. At that time, Berdychiv was part of Ukraine which had belonged to the Kingdom of Poland. And in the period when Conrad was born, Berdychiv was ruled by Russian. Furthermore, Conrad was the only child of his father Apollo Korzeniowski and his mother Ewelina Bobrowska. Conrad’s father had studied law and languages at St Petersburg University and he was also a writer, translator, political activist, and would-be revolutionary. Apollo was fiercely patriotic and attended the “Red” political faction which aimed at reestablish the pre-partition boundaries of Poland. Moreover, his father and mother were both political activists. And the family moved repeatedly due to Conrad’s father’s attempts at farming and political activism. Even though Apollo brought about a few troubles to the family, he still effectively influenced in Conrad’s early reading. Apollo did his best to home-school Conrad. And the boy’s early reading later dominated Conrad’s writing and composing life. Due to the political activities, the family was eventually deported to Vologda. Because of Ewelina’s poor health, in 1865 Apollo was allowed to move to Chernigov, where within a few weeks Ewelina died of tuberculosis. And Apollo died four years later, leaving Conrad orphaned at the age of 11.

Then Conrad was raised by his uncle Tadeusz Bobrowski. With the help of his uncle, Conrad attended the school, but he was really disobedient. He was only good at geography. Bobrowski allowed Conrad to travel at the age of 16 to Marseille and to begin a career as a seaman. Conrad eventually became a British merchant sailor and he joined the British merchant marine in 1878, and was finally granted British nationality in 1886. Though at that time he only knew six words, he tried his best to learn English and write stories and novels. Influenced by his long nautical life experiences, he composed many works with a nautical setting which depicted trials of the human spirit of an impassive and inscrutable universe. He traveled widely in the east. He took on a stint as a steamer captain in 1890 in the Congo, but became ill within three months and had to leave. In 1896, he married Jessie George a typist from Peckham. Conrad retired from sailing and took up writing full time.

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