计算机辅助翻译技术的现状研究Status Quo of Computer Aided Translation Technology毕业论文

 2021-04-02 01:04

摘 要





In recent years, science and technology has advanced rapidly, greatly contributing to the communication between countries and regions, and the connections between countries are closer and they communicate with each other more frequent than before. Thus, the demand for translation service is growing. Meanwhile, the content of translation is diversifying, and most of translation work is non-literature now, and translators need to combine knowledge in specific field while translating. Besides, the timeliness of translation is increasing. As a result, we have witnessed the rapid development of the Computer-Aided translation, becoming an indispensable tool to perform translation work and improve market competitiveness. Unlike Machine Translation, the main technologies of Computer-Aided Translation include document conversion, text extraction, corpus alignment, terminology extraction, management of translation project, translation memory and so on. By using Computer-Aided Translation, we can greatly improve our working efficiency, and also ensure the consistency of the translation. But Computer-Aided Translation also has some limitations.

This paper will introduce the main technologies of Computer-Aided Translation especially their status quo. First I introduced the development background of Computer Aided Translation, and then I gave some detailed information about the status quo of major Computer Aided Translation technologies and tools. Finally, I compared the advantages and disadvantages of Computer Aided Translation technologies and gave a conclusion.

Key Words: Computer Aided Translation; translation memory; terminology management; quality assurance


1 Introduction 2

1.1 Factors that Contribute to the Development of Computer-Aided Translation 2

1.2 The Difference between Machine Translation and Computer-Aided Translation 3

1.3 Literature Review 4

2 Major Computer-Aided Translation Technologies 6

2.1 Translation Memory 6

2.2 Management of Translation Project 7

2.3 Terminology Management 8

2.4 Quality Assurance 9

2.5 Document Conversion 10

2.6 Text Extraction 10

2.7 Corpus Alignment 10

2.8 Terminology Extraction 11

3 Major Computer Aided Translation Tools 12

3.1 Electronic Dictionaries 12

3.2 Searching Tools 12

3.3 Desktop Publishing 12

4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Aided Translation 14

4.1 Advantages of Computer Aided Translation 14

4.2 Disadvantages of Computer Aided Translation 15

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