从《三体》英译本看语言屏障问题On Language Barrier in Translation Based on the English Version of The Three-Body Problem毕业论文

 2021-04-02 01:04

摘 要





Language is closely related to culture: it is not only the carrier of culture but one of the important embodiments. Despite language’s role of cornerstone in translation, much more attention nowadays has been shifted to the cultural connotation behind language. Among of that, how to translate language with cultural context, or culture-loaded words has become an evident challenge to translators. In 2015, The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu won the Hugo Award, one of the most prestigious science fiction awards in the world. As a novel set against, narrowly speaking, the Cultural Revolution or generally speaking, the Chinese social life, large amounts of culture-loaded words has been a great barrier to the translator. Moreover, as a science fiction, The Three-Body Problem also brings out some coined words to translate in the text.

The combined two language barriers above constitute the two themes to discuss in this paper. This paper firstly will expound the background and the significance of the research. Then it introduces the book, the author and the translator. At last, this study will focus on the translation of culture-loaded words and the coined words, coupled with relevant theories. The aim is to probe into how the translator deals with languages barriers in the text and propose some practical methods for future translation.

Key Words: culture-loaded words; coined words; language barriers; The Three-Body Problem


1 Introduction 1

1.1 Research Background 1

1.2 Significance of the Research 1

1.3 Previous Studies on The Three-Body Problem 2

2 Glimpses of The Three-Body Problem 3

2.1 On the Novel The Three-Body Problem 3

2.2 On the Author Cixin Liu 3

2.3 On the Translator Ken Liu 4

3 On Translation, Culture and Language 5

3.1 Inreaction between Translation and Culture 5

3.2 The Influence of Cultural Differences on Translation 5

3.3 Translation of Culture-Loaded Words............................................................................6

4 Analysis of the Language Barrier in the Text…………….......................................................8

4.1 Translation of Special Items in Cultural Revolution.......................................................8

4.2 Translation of Idioms....................................................................................................11

4.3 Translation of Coined Words.........................................................................................12

5 Conclusion 14

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