
 2021-04-07 10:04

摘 要

20 世纪初期不仅是美国消费文化由传统向现代转型的关键时期,也是中国消费文

化由传统向现代发展的重要阶段。受经济发展速度不同等因素的影响,又在 20 世纪初

期遭遇了金融风暴的影响,中美两国消费文化尽管在 20 世纪初期都由传统向现代转型,但二者在转型的内容、程度和对社会经济发展产生的影响等方面有很大差异,不过两者间也有相似之处。本文拟消费观差异的角度,对中美消费观进行研究,针对中美大学生消费观的环境影响因素,从而得出如何正确培养当代大学生消费观的新方法。



Introduction 1

  1. An overview of the concept of consumption 1
    1. Definition of consumption concept 1
    2. Consumption views of classification and characteristics 1
    3. Research on consumption concept at home and abroad 2
      1. The study of consumption in China 2
      2. The study of consumption in the United States 3
  2. The differences of college students' consumption view of China and the United States 4
    1. From the level of consumption 4
    2. From the point of view of economic sources 4
    3. From the point of consumption 5
  3. The college students' consumption view differences bring enlightenment 6
    1. The college students' consumption views in common 6
    2. University students consumption differences of China and the United States 6
    3. Chinese college students consumption differences of enlightenment 6

Conclusion 7

Works Cited 10

Bibliography 11

Differences in Consumption View between Chinese and American College Students


This dissertation proposes the consumption differences between Chinese and American undergraduate students by focusing students’ consumption concept. The author does research mainly about the status of university students’ consumption concept in China, compares and concludes the present situation of undergraduates’ consumption between China and the United States. It aims to improve the teaching quality and effectiveness of professional English vocabulary.

An overview of the concept of consumption

    1. Definition of consumption concept

What is consumption: Consumption refers to the level of consumption among people, consumption patterns and other general attitude and general view of the problem. As with notions, exchange views and income distribution, consumption is an important part of economic ethics.

    1. Consumption views of classification and characteristics

On the Chinese and foreign history of economic thought, there are three kinds of consumption, frugal consumption, the extravagant consumption and the moderate consumption.

Frugal consumption and luxury consumption have reasonable factors and the positive role. There are also negative factors and negative effect. Appropriate consumption not only absorbed the reasonable nutrition of the first two consumptions, but also abandoned the unreasonable factors, which are what we should adhere to.

Frugal consumption is a consumption that advocates people should save material wealth extreme when they are in consumption, reduce or even eliminate the waste. This is

the principal form in human history, having the deepest influence and the longest history. Of course, we can say, since the birth of human beings, the consumption influences more or less people's consumption behavior and consumption patterns.

Luxury consumption view is a kind of consumption which possesses the opposite characters of the frugal consumption, and it claims that consumers should occupy and the material wealth in large quantities and unrestrained means, to meet their own needs and desires. From the short term, in less than social aggregate supply, aggregate demand contradiction of the main aspects of consumption rather than production conditions, the luxury consumption for economic development, especially for expanding employment is not without benefits, but in the long run, the problems resulting from it is huge, consequence is unimaginable. As a result, luxury consumption is a kind of consumption, there are both positive factors and negative factors is a kind of negative factors is greater than the positive factors of consumption, so it can't be we embrace values.

Research on consumption concept at home and abroad

      1. The study of consumption in China

In our country at present, due to the negative effect of market economy and the impact of adverse social ideological trend both at home and abroad, part of the college students' consumption appeared deviation. Many domestic scholars have noticed this problem and also had a lot of work. If you type “college students' consumption view”entry in CNKI, there are 1397 journal articles and master's theses. And if you type “after-90 college students' consumption view" entry, there are 167 journal articles and master's theses. More representative research results are as follows:

Cui Xin guang of Lu dong University, in “the consumption education to strengthen college students' science thinking guide”, points out that the institutions of higher learning should strengthen college students' consumption education science. He briefly points out the college students the fundamental cause of error and its blind consumption. At the same time, he puts forward the basic strategy of consumption education to strengthen college

students' science of institutions of higher learning, guiding students to firmly build up the idea of saving resource.

At present domestic about college students' consumption has been underway for a certain amount of research, and has obtained certain theoretical research results. But in view of the "90 after" the college students group's consumption research is not rich, and part of the research is not comprehensive and in-depth. For example, some researches stay more on the description of the status quo, they only pointed out that the performance of consumption. There is no in-depth analysis of the causes of the problem. Moreover, some studies only isolated in view of the problems existing in the college students' consumption view, not with the current time background and overall development situation in our country were analyzed, and the combination of solution also lacks a certain pertinence and timeliness.

      1. The study of consumption in the United States

There are a lot of researches on consumption abroad. The scholars put forward all kinds of consumption, mainly has the following kinds: rational consumption, the extravagant consumption, the conformity consumption, scientific consumption view, string the conspicuous consumption, consumption hedonism consumption and consumerism.

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