An Analysis of O’Henry’ s View of Love That Love Above Material and Ideal in The Gift of the Magi and A Service of Love毕业论文

 2021-04-07 01:04

摘 要




  1. Introduction……………………...............………...........................................……1
  2. Demonstration…………………………………......................................................2

2.1. The Relationship Between Love, Material and Ideal..................................2

2.1.1. Love is higher than material.................…............................................….2

2.1.2. Love is higher than ideal............................................................................3

2.2. The Sweetness and Bitterness of Love………...............................................5

2.2.1.The sweetness of love… .……………........................................................5

2.2.2.The bitterness of love………………..........................................................6

2.3. O’Henry’s View of Love..................................................................................7

2.3.1. Self-sacrificing view of love......................................................................7

2.3.2.O’Henry’s stories and real life ....................................................................8

3. Conclusion…………………........……………………..........................………….10

Works Cited……………………….............................…………………...................11


An Analysis of O’Henry’s View of Love in The Gift of the Magi and A Service of Love

  1. Introduction

O’Henry (1862-1910), formerly William Sydney Porter, is an American short story writer and founder of modern American short stories. He was born in a family of doctors in Greensboro, North Carolina, in 1862.

He began publishing works under the name of O’Henry. His main works include The Cop and the Anthem, The Last Leaf, and After Twenty Years. O’Henry, along with French writer Maupassant and Russian writer Chekhov, are the three greatest novelists in the world. He was praised as Manhattan laureate prose writer and father of modern American short stories.

The Gift of the Magi and A Service of Love had the tremendous influence on American short stories as soon as they were published. The Gift of the Magi is one of O’Henry’s most popular and beloved short stories. It has been rendered into film adaptations that are rolled out during the Christmas season. This classic tale of giving with O’Henry’s signature “twist-ending” has long been a model for later writers.

The characteristic of these two short stories is its “dramatic ending” and only at the last moment does the mystery finally unravels, surprisingly but reasonably. At the same time, the style of O’Henry’s “smile with tears” had a great impact on the literature of the time. Sad endings often contain something bright, called “smile with tears.” However, too many coincidences and accidental factors in his works lead to the gap between the works and reality. The American writer Dreiser said that “O’Henry was an entire pastime writer.” In Cambridge History of American Literature, it says, “O’Henry’s work is a little trick, dazzling, interesting, but it’s just a trick.”(qtd. in Liu Wenxiao 583)

The Gift of the Magi and A Service of Love because are two classic O’Henry stories. They have similar themes, plots and techniques. Indeed, there are similar coincidences and accidental factors in the two stories, but William Saroyan comments O’Henry that “how cleverly he told his story, concealing behind laughing language a profound love for the great masses of people who are frequently called the little people”(Humanities blog, May 12, 2010).

This paper, based on the existing research results home and abroad, takes two couples’ love as the main object to protrude O’Henry’s view of love in The Gift of the Magi and A Service of Love. The innovation of this paper lies in the sublimation from material to ideal, which fosters the greatness of love. In addition, this paper compares sweet love with bitter love, and analyzes O’Henry’s understanding of love. Finally, according to the text to explore O’Henry’s view of love, focusing on the self-sacrifice view of love, and compare the characters of the stories with O’Henry in many ways, so as to further prove that the viewpoint in the stories is O’Henry’s.

2. Demonstration

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