An Ecofeminist Analysis of O-lan in The Good Earth毕业论文

 2021-04-04 10:04

摘 要




1. Introduction -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1

2. Demonstration --------------------------------------------------------------------------------2

2.1 Theoretical review of Eco-feminism -----------------------------------------------------2

2.1.1 The rise and development of Eco-feminism ------------------------------------------2

2.1.2 The main ideas of Eco-feminism -------------------------------------------------------3

2.1.3 Pearl’s Ecofeminist view ----------------------------------------------------------------4

2.2 Analysis of O-lan in The Good Earth ----------------------------------------------------5

2.2.1 The interconnection between O-lan and nature ---------------------------------------5 The common maternal instinct and function ----------------------------------------5 The shared role as creator of wealth -------------------------------------------------6 The integration of nature and O-lan’s spirit -----------------------------------------7 The healing capacity of nature for O-lan ------------------------------------------8 The relevance between natural changes and O-lan’s fate -----------------------8

2.2.2 The oppression of O-lan and her struggle ---------------------------------------------9 The implication of O-lan’s address from natural plants ---------------------------9 The bondage of feudal ethics on O-lan --------------------------------------------10 O-lan’s silent struggle ----------------------------------------------------------------10

2.2.3 O-lan’s exploration for harmonious coexistence with men and nature ----------12 The exploration of gender equality -------------------------------------------------12 The exploration of the establishment of an ideal home --------------------------13 Affection for the home in the rural areas ----------------------------------------13 Return to nature ---------------------------------------------------------------------13

3. Conclusion -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------14

Works Cited -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15

Bibliography ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16

An Ecofeminist Analysis of O-lan in The Good Earth

  1. Introduction

Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973) is an American writer and women’s rights activist. She is also the only female writer who has won both the Pulitzer and the Nobel Prize. Her 40-year life experience in China has become a series of writing materials for her novel. In 1938, The Good Earth won the Nobel Prize for literature because of its epic description of the Chinese peasants’ life and pioneering contribution to Chinese novels.

Generally speaking, foreign studies on Pearl S. Buck’s works are mainly launched in her homeland, the United States,which mainly focus on Pearl’s biographies and her dual cultural identity. Among them, the most influential one is Conn’s Pearl S. Buck: A Cultural Biography (1996). Compared with studies abroad, domestic researches on The Good Earth are abundant. Most of Chinese scholars concentrate on its translation, literary creation, textual analysis and other aspects about The Good Earth. In terms of studies on translation, scholars pay attention to comparing the translated versions of it. Liang Zhifang analyses the different Chinese images in the translation due to American Orientalism (2018). The majority of studies concerning literary creation focus on her special nationality and cultural identity, such as “Oriental Legend from Western Perspective- Analysis of The Good Earth” by Zhao Dong in 2007. From the textual perspective, the key point of analysis is the “land complex”. For example, Jiang Chunxiang points out that this novel embodies the land complex and family ideas of Chinese peasants (2010). The ecofeminist studies begin relatively late, because the concept of ecofeminism began to be accepted by Chinese scholars since 21st century. And the first research is Mao Yanfeng’s “An Ecofeminist Analysis of the Image of O-lan in The Good Earth” (2010).

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