A Study of Semantic Evolution of “Red” in Chinese From the Perspective of Sociolinguistics毕业论文

 2021-04-02 11:04

摘 要




1 Introduction 1

2 Demonstration 3

2.1 Framework of Sociolinguistics 3

2.1.1 The Basic Concepts and Theory of Sociolinguistics 3

2.1.2 The Relationship between Sociolinguistic and Semantic Evolution. 5 The Need of the Life of Social Culture 5 The Development of Economy 5 The Innovation of Politics 6 The Development of Science and Technology 6

2.2 The Semantic Forms of “Red” 6

2.2.1 Literal Meaning 7

2.2.2 Extended Meaning 7 Metaphor 7 Synaesthesia 8 Symbolism 8

2.3 The Social Causes of the Semantic Evolution of “Red” 9

2.3.1 The Synchronic Analysis of Social Causes 10 Political Cause 10 Economic Cause 11 Cultural Cause 11

2.3.2 The Diachronic Analysis on Social Causes 11 The Development in Ancient Time (before 1840) 11 The Development in Modern Time (1840--1949) 12 The Development in Contemporary Time (1949--now) 12

3 Conclusion 13

Works Cited ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14


A Study of Semantic Evolution of “Red” in Chinese from the Perspective of Sociolinguistics

1 Introduction

Since the world we live in is full of plenty of colors, a variety of color words need to be designated and described. Colors have for a long time aroused great interest from experts of multi-disciplines, including physics, neurology, cognitive science, philosophy, psychology, linguistics and anthropology, which have made great contributions to the aspects of human color vision. The study of color words on the linguistic aspect is fruitful, too. “Linguistically, it is noted that the most important achievements in research on the color lexicon have always gone with breakthroughs in science and technology at a given time and have often taken place as the result of interdisciplinary or multi-disciplinary endeavors in germane fields.”(Yang, 2002)

1.1 A Review of Researches on Color Terms

Color is a universal phenomenon and the world we live in is a colorful world. Color study has a long history in western countries. The earliest can be traced back to ancient Greek—Plato and Aristotle who made the earliest philosophical study of colors. From then on, scholars explored color terms in different perspectives, including philosophy, anthropology, ethnography, psychology, linguistics, sociolinguistics, etc. The researches on color terms both abroad and at home will be relatively introduced in the following section.

1.2 Research on Color Terms Abroad

Color terms have been a research object early in the West. Color terms and their emergence have been the hot research issues for linguists, anthropologists, sociologists, etc. It’s about 2500years ago that color was first studied systematically by Plato whose classic reasoning for perceiving colors has been “repeated with only slight variation for 2500years and carried into the physical sciences as a basic assumption about the nature of color”(Sloane,1991:168). Taking human-beings’ perception of color as the starting point, scholars conduct color research mainly from the following perspectives:

To count the number of color terms in different languages and compare its diversity between different nations;

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