Translation of Metaphors in Chinese Classical Poems毕业论文

 2021-04-02 11:04

摘 要




1. Introduction-----------------------------------------------------------------------1

2. Demonstration---------------------------------------------------------------------1

2.1 Studies on translation of metaphors-----------------------------------------1

2.2 Ways of translating metaphors based on Peter Newmark’s theory applied to metaphor translation------------------------------------------------------2

2.2.1 Literal translation-------------------------------------------------------------3 The Sun’s Setting written by Ma Zhiyuan------------------------------3 Untitled written by Li Shangyin--------------------------------------------3

2.2.2 Literal plus annotation translation------------------------------------------4 A Farewell to Wei Wan written by Li Qi-------------------------------4 Song of Meeting written by Du Fu-----------------------------5

2.2.3 Liberal translation----------------------------------------------------------6 Sorrow written by Du Fu-------------------------------------6 Farewell to a Friend written by Li Bai---------------------------------6

2.2.4 Shift translation---------------------------------------------------------------7 Song of Eternal Sorrow written by Bai Juyi---------------------------7 Ode in The Book of Songs------------------------------------------8

  1. Conclusion-----------------------------------------------------------------------9

Works cited---------------------------------------------------------------------10


Translation of Metaphors in Chinese Classical Poems

  1. Introduction

The word “metaphor” derives from Greek, of which “meta” contains the meaning of “across”, and “-phor” contains the meaning of “carry”. So “metaphor” originally means an activity from here to there, referring to a specific linguistic process, which makes literal meaning change into metaphor meaning. So metaphor usually involves two articles. Metaphor using is to put two unrelated articles together because people have the similar associations in their cognitive domains. Therefore, people usually use the cognitive fusion of the two articles to explain and express their true feelings about objective facts. Metaphor, a rhetorical device when used in Chinese classical poems, is very difficult to translate. Poems are featured with short and convey a number of meanings, so metaphor becomes a necessary part in Chinese classical poems. Metaphor using can not only make poems increase beauty in its form, but also can promote the language vividness. Some great writers, such as Dante and Hugo, once said that poems could not be translated because translators could not completely understand the rhetorical devices that the author used. Translating metaphors not only requires translators to be familiar with the backgrounds of the poems, but also requires them to comprehend some source language culture. And the default of source language culture results in the difficulties of translation of metaphors.

This thesis is divided into three parts. The first part will give a brief introduction about translation of metaphors in Chinese classical poems. The second part will argue four approaches to translation: literal translation, literal plus annotation translation, liberal translation, and shift translation. Each translation approach is illustrated by some classical poems as examples. And the last part is conclusion drawn by the analyses of the four approaches to metaphor translation.

  1. Demonstration

2.1 Studies on translation of metaphors

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