Rhetoric Devices in Animal Farm毕业论文

 2021-04-02 11:04

摘 要




  1. Introduction… 1
  2. Demonstration… 2
    1. Symbolism 2
      1. Symbolic meanings of the characters 3
      2. Symbolic meanings of the settings 4
      3. Symbolic meanings of the plots 5
    2. Antithesis 6
      1. Animalism and authoritarianism 6
      2. Revolutionary leader and totalitarian dictator 7
      3. Subjective wishes and objective situations 8
    3. Irony 9
      1. Boars depicted as almighty heroes 9
      2. Animals’ dream doomed to be a utopia 11
  3. Conclusion… 11

Works Cited… 13

Bibliography… 14

Rhetoric Devices in Animal Farm


Known as “wintry conscience of a generation”(Meyers 6), George Orwell (1903-1940) is best known for his keen insight and sharp writing. During his short lifetime, Orwell wrote 15 novels and nearly every one is related to policy. Animal Farm and 1984 are his most famous works which aim at anti-totalitarianism.

Recognized as the dystopian political novel, Animal Farm tells a story about the rebellion in the Manor Farm owned by Mr. Jones, where animals are living a miserable, laborious and short life. The respected Old Major, an old boar, spreads his revolutionary spirit in an evening meeting and teaches animals an inspiring song, Beats of England. After Old Major’s death, boars lead other animals to overthrow the human control to build a self-sufficient home and proclaim the Seven Commandments to rename the farm “Animal Farm”. However, in the struggle between Napoleon and Snowball, two pre-eminent young boars among the boars, Snowball fails and is driven out by Napoleon and other boars. Napoleon robs the success of revolution. He takes advantage of the new system to benefit himself, sleeping on the bed, drinking milk, even killing other animals and trading with human beings while the other animals work laboriously and endure starvation. The Seven Commandments are changed and even abolished.

In a special style of animal fable, Orwell discloses the darkness and corruption

of totalitarian society. After witnessing the Spanish War and Anti-Fascist War, the author wrote this novel based on his own experiences. He meant to destroy “the Soviet myth” through Animal Farm. It took Orwell several months, from November, 1943 to February, 1944, to finish writing this novel, but it was rejected by nearly all publishers, even including T. S. Eliot at first because it was regarded as criticism on Trotskyist of Soviet allies in the war. Animal Farm did not come out until Fredric Warburg would like to publish it. On the publication of Animal Farm, Orwell and his book were under the attack of communist critics. However, by virtue of its fresh style and tender charm, Animal Farm has won the affection of millions upon

millions of readers.

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