从女权主义视角解析电影《末路狂花》An Analysis of the Film Thelma and Louise from the Perspective of Feminism毕业论文

 2021-04-02 01:04

摘 要




The film Thelma and Louise, directed by Ridley Scott and starring Susan Sarandon and Virginia Davis, is an outstanding representative of feminist movie. The film tells a story of two ladies, Thelma and Louise. They become fugitive criminals for murdering a man because of an accident, and in the end they are forced to commit suicide as a lot of policemen round up them. It has reflected some social injustice such as the ignorance of females and bias towards them, and male oppression and dominance. It also has embodied the awakening of feminist awareness and the spirit of feminist rebellion. This paper aims at analyzing the film from the aspect of feminism. At first, the root of tragic trend of the film is analyzed from the aspect of feminist demands. Then the female images are analyzed from the perspective of the awakening of feminist awareness. And the theme of the film is discussed from the perspective of feminists’ calling for help. This paper has disclosed the urgency of feminist movement and the elegance of feminist spirit by means of film analysis in terms of plots and figures, in order to appeal to the attention and support of the public for feminist movement, and to express best wishes for the prospect of feminist movement.

Key Words: Thelma and Louise; feminism; oppression and resistance; female images


1 Introduction 1

2. Analyzing the Film’s Tragic Trend from the Aspect of Feminist Demands 3

2.1 The Root of Tragedy——Darryl’s Negative Influence on Thelma 3

2.2 The Fuse of Tragedy——Harlan’s Infringement and Irritation 5

2.3 The Impetus of Tragedy——Other Men’s Disrespect for Women 6

3. Analyzing the Film’s Female Images from the Perspective of the Awareness and Rebellion of Feminists 8

3.1 Common Awareness of Self-identity 8

3.2 Louise’ s Feminist Awareness 9

3.3 Thelma’s Growing up and Rebellion 10

4. Analyzing the Film’s Theme from the Perspective of Feminists’ Calling for Help and Feminist Prospects 13

4.1 Feminists’ Crying for Help 13

4.2 Feminist Prospects 14

References 16

Acknowledgements 17

An Analysis of the Film Thelma and Louise from the Perspective of Feminism

1 Introduction

Feminism has long been discussed by scholars, as a controversial topic. “Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve equal political, economic, personal, and social rights for women.”(Hawkesworth, 2006, p. 25–27) It has also been symbolized as a protest against the inequality in the society, and a prominent representative of outright human rights. In this sense, feminism is a common argument in many kinds of art works and is especially preferred by screenwriters. The films that reflect the social problems can attract attention of the public on account of the popularity through circulation so that they will probably lead to a resolution for the benefit of women to some extent. The typical work Thelma and Louise is a marvelous movie, receiving six Academy Award nominations and winning one for Best Original Screenplay for Khouri. The director Scott was nominated for Best Director, and both the stars Sarandon and Davis were nominated for Best Actress. In its limited time, Thelma and Louise tells us an impressing story about how two women are repelled to become fugitive criminals because of an annoying incident and finally be driven into a corner. Both Thelma and Louise, suffering from a series of male oppression, contempt, and discrimination in a trip, gradually recoup feminist awareness and the spirit of resistance in the form of rebelling against the male-dominated world, which remains us a deep thought about the state of social equality and demands of further feminist movement. In this paper, the ugly man images and beautiful female images, male objections and female defiance, feminist demands and prospects embodied in the film are all discussed from the perspective of feminism.

I choose the topic as my research target for the following reasons. Firstly, I intend to emphasize the urgency and essentiality of feminist rebellion against gender discrimination by analyzing the inequality between men and women that is ubiquitous in the film. Secondly, I intend to extol individual awareness in the movie. In the male-dominated world, women still have these glory spirits to live on, to endure plights and to struggle with the society. In the long term, there is no doubt that the spirit will contribute to realistic advances of feminist movement. Thirdly, I intend to call for the attention of the prospects of feminist movement. In the movie, Thelma and Louise choose to commit suicide together confronted with the roundup of policemen. The tragic and solemn ending brings us into contemplation of feminist prospects.

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