传播学视域下的寒山诗英译策略研究 The Study of the Translation Strategies of Hanshan Poems under the Perspective of Communication Studies毕业论文

 2021-04-02 01:04

摘 要

作为中国古典诗歌文化的代表者之一,寒山诗在中国古代文学的跨文化交流传播中具有举足轻重的地位。寒山诗简洁易懂,清新脱俗,用笔极简,却言万象,是中国文化传播史上的一朵奇葩。寒山诗为唐代诗人寒山子所做,后由贞观年间台州刺史闾丘胤将其诗作进行收集,并整理成册,流传于世。寒山诗在中国古代并未曾受到广泛重视,但在其传播到日本等东南亚文化圈后,却受到了极大的重视。20 世纪 50 年代,一批美国作家对寒山诗产生了极大兴趣,寒山诗歌中的精神内核对美国“垮掉的一代”产生了深刻影响。正是如此,寒山诗的英译本及其相关研究也愈来愈多,这其中包括对英译策略的探究。本研究基于传播学视阈,旨在从信息传递与文化传播的角度来探究寒山诗的英译策略问题,通过对比与分析寒山诗翻译过程中所采取的不同策略,讨论文化传播与交流对于翻译策略选择的影响。

鉴于此,本研究分为四个部分:第一部分阐述寒山诗产生的时代背景及其英译研究的基本现状;第二部分为理论基础,介绍传播学的相关内容;第三部分在传播学视阈下, 分析寒山诗的英译策略;最后通过研究,相对系统、全面地了解文化传播对于翻译策略选择的影响,以期对中国文化对外输出有所裨益。


As one of the greatest classical poetry representatives, the poetry of Han Shan plays a decisive role in the cross-cultural communication of Chinese traditional literature. The Han Shan’s poems are easy to read but full of fresh and refined spirit; the words are simple, but the meaning of the poems is connotative. Han Shan poetry is a wonder in the history of Chinese cultural communication. Han Shan’s poems were created by the poet Han Shan in the Tang dynasty. Later, Lvqiu Yin, the provincial governor of Taizhou in the Tang Zhenguan years collected and compiled Han Shan’s poems into a book. The poetry of Han Shan has not received an extensive attention in the ancient China, but when it spread to Japan and other Southeast Asian cultural circle, it has gained great attentions. Meanwhile, in the 1950s, a group of American writers were greatly interested in the Han Shan poetry, and the spiritual connotation of Han Shan poetry influenced the "Beat Generation" a lot in the United States. For that reason, an increasing number of English-translated versions and relevant researches of Han Shan poetry appeared from that time, which included the research of the translation strategy of the poetry of Han Shan. Based on the theoretical foundation of communication studies, the paper aims to analyze the translation strategy of Han Shan’s poems from the perspective of cultural communication and the acceptance of translation works in America. With the comparison and analysis of the specific strategy in the translation process of the poetry of Han Shan, this paper analyzes the great impact of cultural communication on the choice of translation strategy.

As for the outline, this paper is divided into five parts: The first part introduces the Han Shan and his poetry briefly; the second part is the literature review; the third part is about the theoretical foundations of this study and its application in the translation studies; the fourth part is devoted to analyzing the acceptance of Han Shan’s poems in America and also the translation strategy in English;in the end, the author draws a conclusion based on the previous research and points out the limitations of the present research.

Key Words: poetry of Han Shan; perspective of communication studies; visualization

  1. A Brief Introduction of Han Shan and His Poems 1
  2. Literature Review 3
  3. Theoretical Foundations 4
    1. The Communication Studies 4
    2. The Application of Communication Studies in the Translation 5
  4. The Analysis of the “Visualization” Translation Strategy of Selected Verses from the Poetry of Han Shan 7
  5. Conclusion 12

References 13

Acknowledgements 14

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