从功能对等理论谈冯小刚电影的字幕翻译On the Subtitle Translation of Feng Xiaogang’s Films from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory毕业论文

 2021-04-02 01:04

摘 要





Since its emergence, the film has become an important carrier of culture and a critical way of communication. Correspondingly, with progress of the globalization and development of the film industry, subtitle translation, as a vital part of non-literary translation and audiovisual translation, gets wide attention from both China and the world.

Since the film subtitle translation has space and time constraints, it has always been a challenge for translators to demonstrate the source text in a brief form. Compared with literary translation, there are less scholars and theories in the field of the subtitle translation. Therefore, subtitle translation has not been a complete theoretical system in China until now. This paper will use Nida’s functional equivalence to analyze the subtitle translations of Feng Xiaogang’s films. The paper is going to analyze the different translation strategies in terms of semantic, stylistic and culture equivalence. More specifically, Translation is described as the “closet natural equivalent to the source language message” from perspective of functional equivalence. Therefore, when there is a conflict between meaning and form in the process of translating, the meaning has priority. It emphasizes on the responses of the readers, which is consistent with the standard of subtitle translation. A good subtitle translator not only has to make the audiences understand the meaning of directors or authors, but also should help the audiences enjoy the films like the native audiences.

Key words: subtitle translation; functional equivalence theory; translation strategies


1 Introduction 1

2 Literature Review 3

2.1 A General Introduction of Subtitle Translation 3

2.2 Researches of Subtitle Translation at Abroad and Home 3

3 A General Introduction of Functional Equivalence Theory 7

3.1 Basic Concepts of Functional Equivalence Theory 7

3.2 Application of Functional Equivalence Theory 9

4 Functional Equivalence Theory in Subtitle Translation of Feng Xiaogang’s comedies 10

4.1 Features of Feng Xiaogang’s Comedy 10

4.2 Synopsis of A World Without Thieves, Personal Tailor And If You Are The One 10

5 Detailed Analysis of Translation Strategies of Feng Xiaogang’s Comedies 12

5.1 Semantic Equivalence 12

5.2 Stylistic Equivalence 13

5.3 Culture Equivalence 15

6 Conclusion 19

References 20

Acknowledgements 21

On Subtitle Translation of Feng xiaogang’s Films from Perspective of Functional Equivalence theory

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