中国线上英语发音培训现状研究A Study on Current Online Training for English Pronunciation in China毕业论文

 2021-04-02 01:04

摘 要






Nowadays along with the deepening of globalization, an increasing number of people in China decide to learn English to better pursue their life goal and gain further development in their career. In recent years, online English training has been catalyzed by the evolution of scientific technology, social economy, and educational notion. Meanwhile, English learners start to seek a breakthrough in more specific aspects, such as the accuracy of pronunciation, looking for more flexibility and efficiency to achieve their purpose. Online training for English pronunciation provides English learners with more choices.

To study the current situation of online training for English pronunciation in China, this thesis reviews existing researches on related theories as well as combine practical examples of online English training institutions. It aims at analyzing the backgrounds and supporting conditions of its development, illustrating common modes of its operation, and discussing both its advantages and limitations.

The results of the study can give a general introduction of online training for English pronunciation. It can also offer referable ideas for English training and learning, for the sustainable development of this industry, and for any further research in this field.

Key words: online training; English pronunciation; English training


1 Introduction 1

1.1 Research Purpose 1

1.2 Research Significance 2

1.3 Literature Review 2

2 Current Situation of Online Training for English Pronunciation 5

2.1 Existing Forms of Online English Training 5

2.2 Common Modes of Online Training for English Pronunciation 6

3 The Development of Online Training for English Pronunciation 9

3.1 Theoretical Background 9

3.2 Realistic Factors..............................................................................................10

3.3 The Development of Online Training for English Pronunciation...................12

4 Discussions 14

4.1 Evaluation of Online Training for English Pronunciation 14

4.2 Future Prospect of Online Training for English Pronunciation 17

5 Conclusions 18

5.1 Summary of the Findings 18

5.2 Strengths and Limitations of the Study 19

5.3 Suggestions for Further Study 19



A Study on Current Online Training for English Pronunciation in China

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