从历史-宗教维度阐释《来自美国的儿子》的主题思想Interpreting the Motif of The Son from America from a Historical-religious Perspective毕业论文

 2021-04-02 12:04

摘 要




关键词: 艾萨克·什维斯·辛格;《来自美国的儿子》;犹太历史;文化认同;犹太教


As an American Jewish writer with great reputation, Issac Bashevis Singer has published a number of novels and short story collections, always adhering to the Jewish characteristics in his writing which reveals Jews’ tragic destiny. The Son from America, one of Singer’s best-known short stories, vividly depicts the lives of Eastern European Jews before WWI and is typical of Singer’s writing style.

This paper aims at interpreting the motif of The Son from America from a historical-religious perspective, analyzing the old and young Jews’ attitudes towards their tradition and religion respectively. The study finds that although Berl and Bercha differ from their son in lifestyle and the sociocultural context where they are respectively situated, they all stick to Jewish values and doctrines, reflecting their in-depth consensus on cherishing Jewish culture.

This paper consists of four chapters. The first chapter includes an introduction to Issac Bashevis Singer, his works and literature review. Chapter Two analyzes the motif of the short story from the historical perspective, presenting Jews’ identification with Jewish tradition and custom. Chapter Three explores the motif from the religious perspective. By discussing the two generations’ attitudes towards Judaism, this study intends to reveal that they both firmly believe in Judaism but in different manners. The last chapter concludes the research by addressing limitations and proposing the further study of the story.

Key Words: Issac Bashevis Singer; The Son From America; Jewish history;

cultural identification; Judaism


1 Introduction 1

1.1 Issac Bashevis Singer and his works 1

  1. 2 Literary review 2

1.3 Structure of the paper 3

2 Analysis of the Motif from the Historical Perspective 4

  1. 1 Crisis of Jewish people 4

2.1.1 Exiling Jews 4

2.1.2 Immigration to other countries 5

2.2 Identification with Jewish history 6

2.2.1 Berl's and Berlcha's identification and preservation 6

2.2.2 Samuel's identification and adaptation 7

3 Analysis of the Motif from the Religious Perspective 9

  1. 1 Crisis of Judaism 9

3.1.1 Shock of modernization 9

3.1.2 Temptation of money 10

3.2 Identification with Judaism 11

3.2.1 Berl's and Berlcha's identification and persistence 11

3.2.2 Samuel's identification and innovation 12

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