革命风暴中的没落贵族阶层—《双城记》中查尔斯·达尔内和《茶馆》中常四爷的比较分析 The Declining Aristocratic class In The Revolutionary Storm – The Comparision and Analysis of Charles Darney in A Tale of Two Cities and Chang Siye in Teaho毕业论文

 2021-04-02 12:04

摘 要





The aristocratic class was a special group who enjoyed a series of privileges including political, economic privileges in feudal society. Under the revolutionary storm baptism, the class were declining gradually, no matter they were European aristocrat or Chinese aristocrat. The images of the aristocratic class in Charles Dickens’ and Lao She’s description were quite different from the fixed general image. Meanwhile, there were various similarities and differences between them. In this paper, taking Charles Darnay in A Tale of Two Cities and Chang Siye in Teahouse as the objects of study, this paper discusses the similarities and differences between Darnay and Chang Siye and the causes to reveal the characteristics of the feudal aristocratic class in the revolutionary storm.

This paper contains six parts. The first part is the introduction to the authors and their novels as well as the literature review; the second part tells the social backgrounds of the two works; the third part focus on the characteristics of the aristocratic class in the contemporary societies; the fourth part makes a detailed analysis of the similarities and differences between Darnay and Chang Siye; the fifth part discusses the causes of these similarities and differences; the last part is the conclusion.

Key words: revolution; Charles Darnay; Chang Siye; comparison


1 Introduction 1

1.1 Charles Dickens and A Tale of Two Cities 2

1.2 Lao She and Teahouse 2

1.3 Literature review 3

2 The Social Background of the Two Works 5

2.1 The French Revolution 5

2.2 The unsettled time in the first half century of the 20th century in China 6

3 The Sketch of the Feudal Aristocratic Class in France and China 7

3.1 The characteristics of the feudal aristocratic class in France 7

3.2 The characteristics of the feudal aristocratic class in China 8

4 A Detailed Appreciation and Comparison of Charles Darnay and Chang Siye 9

4.1 Analysis of the similarities of Charles Darnay and Chang Siye 9

4.1.1 Personality 9

4.1.2 The attitude towards the revolution 11

4.1.3 The social status 11

4.2 Analysis of the Differences of Charles Darnay and Chang Siye 12

4.2.1 The social status 12

4.2.2 Personality 12

4.2.3 The attitude towards the revolution 13

5 Analysis of the Causes of the Similarities and Differences of Charles Darnay and Chang Siye 14

5.1 Social context of the characters 14

5.2 Writing purpose of the writers 14

6 Conclusion 16

References 17

Acknowledgements 18

The Feudal Aristocratic class In The Revolutionary Storm

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