英语学习者写作中转折连接词用法分析Analysis on the Usage of Contrastive Connectives in English Learners’ Writing毕业论文

 2021-04-02 12:04

摘 要


本文通过搜集中国某高校英专学生议论文写作文本,自建小型语料库 CCSA, 以英语本族语者语料库 LOCNESS 为对比,发现中国英语学习者议论文写作中的转折连接词的使用特点并探究转折连接词的使用情况和议论文质量的关系。本文采用定量分析和定性分析相结合的研究方法,最终发现中国英语学习者议论文作文中的转折连接词的使用特点和本族语者的使用特点存在着一定差异。在中国英语学习者语料中,转折连接词的使用对议论文质量有一定的影响,但是影响有限。最后,基于研究结果,文章对今后的英语议论文写作教学提出了一些建议。

关键词:议论文写作; 衔接;转折连接词;作文质量;


For English learners, discourse cohesion is not only a powerful tool for the deep understanding of discourse, but also a basic ability for creating high-quality discourse. As an essential branch of discourse cohesion, contrastive connectives are of great significance on English learning. However, some previous studies have found that there are still many problems such as overuse, underuse, and misuse in the use of contrastive connectives by English learners in China. There are also quite a few disputes about the characteristics and functions of contrastive connectives.

By collecting argumentative writings of English majors in a college in China, this study builds a small corpus of Chinese students’ argumentative essays(CCSA), and compares it with the native English speaker corpus(LOCNESS) in order to examine the characteristics of the usage of contrastive connectives in argumentative writing from Chinese English learners, and to explore the relationship between the features of contrastive connectives and the quality of argumentative writing. This study, by combining quantitative analysis with qualitative analysis, finds that there are some differences in the use of contrastive connectives in Chinese English learners' argumentative writings and that of native speakers. In Chinese English learners' writings, the use of contrastive connectives affects the quality of argumentative essays, but the impact is limited. Finally, based on the findings of the study, the paper puts forward some suggestions for the future teaching of English argumentative writing.

Key Words: Argumentative writing; cohesion; contrastive connectives; writing quality


  1. Introduction 1
  2. Review of the Literature 3
    1. Cohesion in English and Contrastive Connectives 3
    2. The Relationship Between Contrastive Connectives and Writing Quality 4
  3. Methodology 7
    1. Research Questions 7
    2. Participants and Data Collection 7
    3. Data Analysis 8
      1. Essay Scoring 8
      2. Identification of Contrastive Connectives 8
  4. Results and Discussion 10
    1. Features of Contrastive Connectives 10
    2. Relationship Between Contrastive Connectives and Writing Quality 14
  5. Conclusion 18
    1. Summary of Findings 18
    2. Limitations and Future Directions 19

References 20

Appendix A 22

Acknowledgements 23

Analysis on the Usage of Contrastive Connectives in EFL

Argumentative Writing


In English writing, the textual cohesion and coherence are often considered as the key point of judging an essay. Human beings have never quitted in the exploration of discourse cohesion.

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