从荣格的分析心理学探索狄更斯的“孤儿”情结 Exploration on Dickens’ orphan complex from Jung’s analytic psychology毕业论文

 2021-04-02 12:04

摘 要



关键词: 查尔斯·狄更斯;孤儿情结;卡尔·荣格;分析心理学


Charles Dickens is one of the most outstanding critical realist novelists in Victorian England. His works are full of twists and turns, and the content is comprehensive, covering all aspects of British social life at that time. The typical protagonist of Dickens is usually an orphan or a child who never receives enough love even if they have parents. These young protagonists have similar experience that Dickens suffered in the shoe factory and went to the debt prison to visit his father. As a famous contemporary psychologist in the western world, Carl Jung’s complex theory and personality psychology in analytical psychology provides the theoretical basis of psychology for the review of literary works. This essay will mainly use Jung’s analytical psychology as a theoretical guide to explore the reasons for Dickens’s “orphan complex”, and will analyze many novels including Oliver Twist (1838) and David Copperfield(1850), Great Expectations(1861)Especially the protagonists Oliver Twist and David Copperfield, have had tragic childhood experiences, such as child labor abuse and unfair treatment by the judiciary, which is undoubtedly Dickens’s early life portrayal. Besides, the characterization of Dickensian orphans also changed with his writing career, and this paper will analyze the reasons from his personal life and the British society at that time. Meanwhile the paper will provide a reference for the study of Dickens’s works.

Key Words:Charles Dickens;orphan complex;Carl Jung; analytical psychology


1 Introduction 1

1.1 Charles Dickens 1

1.2 Carl Jung and his analytical psychology 1

1.3 Research questions and methodology 2

1.4 Research significance 2

1.5 Organization of the paper 3

2 Literature Review 4

2.1 Studies on Dickens and his work 4

2.2 Studies on Jung’s analytical psychology 4

3 Background of Dickens’s Orphan Series 6

3.1 Abuse of child labor during the industrial revolution 6

3.2 Widening wealth gap between classes 6

4 Origins of Dickens’s Orphan Complex 8

4.1 Dickens’s childhood trauma 8

4.2 Early career as a journalist 9

5 Stages of Characterization in Dickensian Orphans 11

5.1 Kind-hearted and persevering orphans in his early works 11

5.2 Inner-tortured and self-conflicted orphans in his late works 12

5.3 Reasons for the alteration 12

6 Conclusion 15

References 16

Acknowledgments 18

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