On Dylan’s Growth in Ferryman毕业论文

 2021-04-04 10:04

摘 要





1. Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1

2. Demonstration --------------------------------------------------------------------------------3

2.1 Dylan’s predicaments in the real world --------------------------------------------------4

2.1.1 The absence of parental love at home--------------------------------------------------4

2.1.2 The absence of peers’ and teachers’ love at school ----------------------------------5

2.1.3 The absence of bosom friend Katie’s company --------------------------------------6

2.2 Dylan’s experiences in the wasteland-----------------------------------------------------6

2.2.1 Dylan’s unexpected journey of her initiation------------------------------------------7

2.2.2 The ferryman Tristan as an initiation guide--------------------------------------------8

2.2.3 The ferryman Tristan as an initiation companion -----------------------------------9

2.3 Dylan’s epiphany and maturity when returning to the wasteland -------------------10

2.3.1 Dylan’s enlightenment about life and death -----------------------------------------11

2.3.2 Dylan’s self-salvation ------------------------------------------------------------------12

2.3.3 Dylan’s redemption of the ferryman Tristan ----------------------------------------13

3. Conclusion -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------14

Works Cited-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16

Bibliography ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17

On Dylan’s Growth in Ferryman

  1. Introduction

Claire McFall (1983-- ) is a famous contemporary English writer. Her works are usually about exploring human nature and thinking about life. Claire is enthusiastic about students and has been thinking about how to educate them about human nature. In January 2017, Sohu Culture made an exclusive interview with McFall to let the readers get a further understanding of the novel Ferryman. McFall said that Ferryman was mainly a novel about the life in Scotland. The audience of the interview is mainly teenagers, but this book is popular with readers of nearly all ages in China, which is beyond her expectation. So she thinks that the focus of readers around the world has converged. People pay more attention to human nature, and the distinction between social groups or personalities has weakened.

Ferryman is one of McFall’s famous works. As soon as the book was published in Britain in 2013, it unexpectedly became a best-seller and entered the selection of many important literary awards in Britain. The novel has been shortlisted for the Grampian Children’s Book Awards, the Branford Boase Award and the UKLA (UK Literary Association) Book Awards, as well as been nominated for the Carnegie Medal. It won the 2013 Scottish Children’s Book Award ---- an award that is largely decided by readers’ votes. The unexpected success has made Ferryman highly recommended by the mainstream media in the United States and Britain, creating a huge reading effect. Templar, the publisher, has also sold copyrights in 33 countries in more than a year since its publication. In China, Ferryman was translated into Chinese by Fu Qiang in 2015, and it was loved by Chinese readers.

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