《寻找格林先生》中的存在主义价值观 Existentialist Values in Looking for Mr. Green毕业论文

 2021-04-02 01:04

摘 要

《寻找格林先生》是索尔·贝娄著名的短篇小说之一,它包含了深刻的社会现实与丰富的哲理思辨。索尔·贝娄将萨特存在主义与犹太性很好地结合在一起,创造出对荒谬的独到见解,形成了独特的犹太存在主义。他在寻找格林先生中描绘了一个处于社会边缘的知识分子的思考与见闻,希望通过人的思考,在混乱和痛苦中找到生存的意义。因此,本文以萨特存在主义为基础,分析《寻找格林先生》中荒谬与冷漠的社会现实以及格里布最终形成的本质,为人类在荒谬与虚无中找到生存的希望提供了借鉴。本文由五个部分组成。导论部分简要介绍作家背景及国内外研究现状。第二部分则概括存在主义的起源与发展,侧重于萨特及其存在主义理念。第三部分是运用“存在先于本质”的理论分析美国大萧条时期人们的生活现状。第四部分基于 “他人即地狱”和“个人选择绝对自由”阐明格里布本质的形成过程。虽然格里布在做出选择的过程中会受到不同的存在价值观的影响,但是格里布最终会形成自己的本质,那就是敢于承担自己的责任。最后一部分是总结贝娄的存在主义思想。

关键词: 《寻找格林先生》;萨特存在主义;生存意义


Looking for Mr. Green is one of the most excellent short stories of Saul Bellow; it contains profoundly social realities and is rich in philosophic theories. In the story, Saul Bellow well combines Sartre’s Existentialism with Jewishness and explains his understanding of the absurdity. Finally, he creates a uniquely Jewish Existentialism. Moreover, He depicts the thinking and experiences of a marginalized intellectual, for he hopes that the intellectual will finally find out the survival significance during the chaotic time through the process of thinking. Therefore, based on Sartre’s Existentialism, this paper aims at analyzing the absurdity and loneliness in Looking for Mr. Green and at illustrating the essence developed by Grebe, and then intends to teach humans how to realize their existence in absurdity and nothingness. This paper can be divided into five parts. The first part includes the background information of Saul Bellow and literature reviews. The second part is to summarize the origin and development of Existentialism, especially focuses on Sartre and his Existential concepts. Then, in the third part, this paper will analyze human Existential conditions during the Great Depression by using the first concept—"existence precedes essence". Two theories are used in the fourth part, including “hell is other people” and “man is free to choice”. They can be used for illustrating the forming process of Grebe’s essence. In other words, although others’ Existential values have influence on the process of making choice, Grebe finally can form his essence by taking his responsibility. The last part is to conclude Saul Bellow's Existential thoughts.

Key words: Looking for Mr. Green, Sartre’s Existentialism, survival significance


1Introduction 1

1.1 Saul Bellow and his works 1

1.2 Literature review 2

2 General Study of Existentialism 4

2.1 The Origin and Development of Existentialism 4

2.2 The Main Concepts of Sartre’s Existentialism 5

3 Human Existence in Looking for Mr. Green 7

3.1 Absurdity 7

3.1.1 Environmental Absurdity 7

3.1.2 Subjective Absurdity 8

3.2 Loneliness 9

4 The Formation of Grebe’s Essence 11

4.1 Grebe, Raynor, Staika and Existential values 11

4.1.1 Grebe and Raynor 11

4.1.2 Grebe and Staika 13

4.2 Self-realization of Grebe 13

5 Conclusion 16

References 17

Acknowledgements 18

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