探讨唐吉柯德中的骑士浪漫主义 Analysis on knight romanticism in Don Quixote毕业论文

 2021-04-02 01:04

摘 要

关于小说《堂吉诃德》的研究,400年来从未停止。 在浩如烟海的研究论著中,既有研究人物形象的,也有探讨宗教的;既有专注于小说所反映的社会问题的,也有分析现实主义的。然而探讨小说中骑士浪漫主义的并不多见。基于此, 本文试图以骑士浪漫主义为切入点,透过堂吉诃德 “疯狂”的表象探讨小说反映的本质内涵和批判主题。骑士制度兴起于欧洲中世纪的上层社会,是封建制度的产物。与骑士制度相匹配的骑士精神则反映了骑士阶层的精神追求。随着资本主义的发展,封建制度逐步走向衰落,不同的社会问题出现了。此时,在文学领域,曾经盛行的骑士小说已经发生了变异,并阻碍了文明的进步。伴随着文艺复兴的在西班牙的广泛传播,以人文主义思潮兴起为标志的文艺复兴把人对神的崇拜转向对人自身的崇拜。人文主义与传统的基督教道德理念之间的冲突使西班牙社会陷入了信仰危机。塞万提斯的小说《堂吉诃德》在这种大背景下诞生了。虽然小说在内容和形式上都保持了骑士小说的风格,但是在思想上却不同于绝大部分传统骑士小说。本文将通过分析骑士浪漫主义在小说情节中的体现和所产生的效果,探讨堂吉诃德“发疯”的原因,并就作者塞万提斯所要揭露的社会问题作分析说明。



The research on Don Quixote has never stopped in the past 400 years. Among such an ocean of books and papers studying on this novel, some are researches about analysis of images; some are papers about religions; some are discussions on social problems reflecting in the content of the novel and some aim on realism. However, analysis on knight romanticism is very rare. Based on this situation, this paper will start from knight romanticism to see through the appearance—Don Quixote’s Madness to perceive the essence—essential connotation and social criticism behind the text. Knight system is rooted in the super stratum society of mid-century Europe. It is the result of feudal system. Matching with Knight system, knighthood mainly reflects the spiritual pursuit of knight class. With the development of capitalism, feudal system started to decline gradually. As a result, different social problems began to come out. Meanwhile, in literary area, knight novels that had prevailed for a long time in Spain got into a state of variation and blocked the progress of civilization. With the widely spread of Renaissance in Spain, Renaissance marked by though trends of humanism turned human’s worship for gods to their self-worship. The contradiction between humanism and traditional Christian ethics entrapped Spain society into a state of belief crisis. Cervantes’ Don Quixote came out in this historical context. Although this novel has the similar content and structure as those of the majority of knight novels, it is different from them in ideas. In this paper, according to the analysis of knight romanticism and its effects, Don Quixote’ s “madness” will be explained and the real social problems that Cervantes wanted to expose to the public will be figured out.

Key Words: knight romanticism; humanism; belief crisis; social problems


1 Introduction 1

1.1 The Renaissance and Humanism 2

1.2 Contradiction between Humanism and Traditional Christian Ethics-Moral Anomie 2

2 Knight System and Knight Romanticism 4

2.1 A Brief Introduction of Knight System and Knighthood 4

2.2 The Product of Knight System and Knighthood—Knight Novels 5

2.3 The Variation of Knight Novels-Anomie in Literature 5

2.4 Knight Romanticism 7

3 Knight Romanticism in Don Quixote' s Travels 9

3.1 Demonstration of Knight Romanticism in Don Quixote' s Travels 9

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