再现《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》之哥特式风格——以杨岂深汉译本为例 On Representation of the Gothic Style in a Rose for Emily – A Case Study of Yang Qishens Chinese Translation毕业论文

 2021-04-02 01:04

摘 要




A Rose for Emily, written by William Faulkner, is regarded as one of the important representative works of southern gothic fiction in America. The story writes about Miss Emily’s tragic life with horror and suspense, which successfully and greatly impresses readers. It is famous for the gothic narrative style which combines fiction with horror, death, and at times romance. For a variety of translators, they attempted to represent the gothic style of the novel in their translations, and to some extent, they did. Among the Chinese versions, Yang Qishen’s version was found the most intriguing, and the present author resolved to find out how the gothic style is represented in his translation. The paper makes a thorough research of Yang’s translation by means of analyzing his translation notions, strategies and methods which make great contributions to the representation of the gothic style.

Key words: A Rose for Emily, Gothic style, Yang Qishen’s translation, translation strategies and methods


1 Introduction 1

1.1 A Rose for Emily 1

1.2 The gothic style 1

2 Literature Review 3

2.1 Translations of A Rose for Emily 3

2.2 Translation-related research of A Rose for Emily 3

3 Theoretical Foundation —— the Skopos Theory of Translation Studies 5

3.1 Development of the Skopos Theory 5

3.2 Rules of the Skopos Theory 5

4 The Analysis of Representation of Gothic Style in Yang Qishen’s Chinese Translation 7

4.1 An evidence-based analysis of representing the gothic style in Yang’s translation 7

4.2 A discussion of translation strategies in Yang’s translation 11

5 Conclusion 13

References 14

Acknowledgements 15

On Representation of the Gothic Style in A Rose for Emily

- A Case Study of Yang Qishen's Chinese Translation

1 Introduction

1.1 A Rose for Emily

William Faulkner is considered one of the most important writers of the southern literature of the United States, primarily known for his novels and short stories. His writing is tactful in story-telling with complex syntax, featured by his creative writing skills such as great application of stream of consciousness, interior monologue, multiple points of view, disruption of the time sequence and complicated psychologic changes of characters. A Rose for Emily, one of the best known and most widely read short stories written by William Faulkner, also one of the representatives of gothic fiction, describes the huge transition and fierce conflict between the southern traditional culture and the northern advanced values after the American civil war (Kerry, 1989). Miss Emily, as a declining aristocracy under the special background, insists on pursuing her love but ends with poisoning her lover to death and sleeping with his body every day and night till she dies (Faulkner, 1950).

1.2 The gothic style

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