文学接受与文化过滤视角下狄更斯对老舍文学创作的影响Dickens’ Influence on Lao Shes Literature Creation from the Perspective of Literary Reception and Cultural Filtering毕业论文

 2021-04-02 01:04

摘 要






Lao She is one of the most outstanding novel masters of the 20th century in China, while as Dickens is the great realist writer in the 19th century in the world. In the course of lecturing in British, Lao She read a large number of English novels and was directly influenced by Dickens on the creative approach.

The paper, from the angle of literary reception and cultural filtering, makes a detailed analysis of Dickens’ influence on Lao She’s literary creation. Literary reception, an indispensable part of the whole literary movement system, which is of great significance to stimulating the writer’s creation and promoting the further development of the literary career. The usage of humorous style, the description of the hometown of London and the nobody in Dickens’ works were both appealed to Lao She’s creative tendency. Cultural filtering refers to the role of selecting, changing, transplanting and infiltrating the reception during the literature communication with the recipients in different cultural backgrounds and cultural traditions. As Lao She’s creation matures, his works are mainly based on the reality of Chinese society, with strong Beijing civic culture characteristics. He was altered Dickens’ writing style and integrating into his own creative practice to produce an unique humorous style and the nobody characters.

The paper is divided into five chapters. Chapter one introduces the life experiences of Lao She and Dickens’ influence on Lao She after he went to British, analyzes the existing studies on Lao She and Dickens. Then it expounds the structure and significance of the paper. Chapter two mainly explains the concepts of literary reception and cultural filtering. Chapter three is based on literary reception to discuss Dickens’ influence on Lao She’s literary creation from the angle of humorous style, urban subject and the nobody theme. Chapter four is based on cultural filtering to analyze that Lao She choices the Chinese cultural characteristics as the basis for his creation. He created the Beijing-flavor humor and Beijing’s nobody images. Chapter five sums up the whole paper.

Key Words: Lao She; Dickens; literary reception; cultural filtering


1 Introduction 1

1.1 The background of Lao She 1

1.2 Lao She’s trip to England 2

1.3 Literature review 2

2 Literary Reception and Cultural Filtering 4

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